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Your very Best Mental Health issues today

More people are being diagnosed with depression and anxiety than ever before The biggest problem is the concerning issues of the age of affliction getting younger and younger. Addiction to prescription drugs (such as opiates, depressants and stimulants) is spiking all across the Western world and the rate of suicide has shot up 25% in…


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Mental health

More people are being diagnosed with depression and anxiety than ever before

The biggest problem is the concerning issues of the age of affliction getting younger and younger. Addiction to prescription drugs (such as opiates, depressants and stimulants) is spiking all across the Western world and the rate of suicide has shot up 25% in the last 20 years. And then we are not even talking about the alarming rate of Dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.  Mental health issues are real,

The only solution modern medicine seems to have is prescribe, prescribe, prescribe… and never achieving any effective results because they have seldom got to the route of the problem. But there again that tends to be a general issue in most health cases.

But how do we do that?

Quite simply as with most dis-eases it a natural lifestyle shift. Rather than depend on a broken medical system that only masks symptoms and ends up crippling the patient in most regards and that is not just financially. In rendering your mind to a healthy alternative you render your whole body to this very best alternative solution and since body and brain are not separate entities why not???

The Solution

I believe the biggest challenge lies with a body riddled with toxic waste – and this is not just a physical but and soul (emotional) and Spirit thing. You are 3 – in – 1 and so the solution is always 3 – in – 1.

As far as emotional issues are concerned, with Imsyser Health, this is not our speciality field, but we have found that really getting down to basic where Soul and Spirit meet in true forgiveness, soul searching possibly with some good solid help. Issues have a root cause always and once again this needs to be ‘found’.  

Imsyser Health

Where we do specialise and where we make a difference in ensuring good mental and other health is dealing with gut health, detoxing the modern-day body and finally optimising Immunity through good effective nutrition. Your Brain and your body is totally dependent on good nutrition and in fact your health goes nowhere without this. With out good nutrition it can lead to mental health issues. With a dys-functional gut no good nutrition will get where it needs to get or waste out so pretty much all is needed for your best results.

Optimal Nutrition

Wholefood supplement designed for modern day Auto-Immune Diseases where the true value of this amazing unique supplement lies in the value add of a daily internal cellular detox to re-establish internal cellular balancing whilst simultaneously supplying all the essential wholefood nutrition needed for optimal Immunity in all Immune compromised patients. Taking for granted you have a healthy gut the best nutrition needs to be in a wholefood source – your brain needs food to perform over and above the good Omegas we told about.  

Imsyser is not just for people suffering from diseases; Imsyser can also be used as a beneficial food supplement or as part of a healthy nutritional program:

and then detox…..

Our 3 Step Health & Disease Prevention Kit, is the ultimate health care range. Each works to assist in the rooting out of the causes of any ‘dis-ease’ by allowing a gentle cellular &/or gut detox, whilst fuelling your Immunity with all the essentials in order to optimize health and general Immunity. We are not just treating the symptoms:

We care about our clients’ health. What we do is not different, how we do it, however, is what makes us different. Our products are unique. What makes them unique is that they were developed to support the body’s own natural defence system, your Immunity, through effective gut health. Our body is a complete system and can cause mental health issues.


Our Flagship range consists of 3 Incredible Natural Health Products designed to create Balance from within. These 3 products are the ultimate health care range, as they assist in the rooting out of the cause of any ‘dis-eases’ by allowing a gentle cellular &/or gut detox whilst nourishing your Immunity with all the essential nutrition required to optimize your health, well-being and general Immunity, rather than just treating your ‘dis-ease’ symptoms.

My Health Protocol no matter the condition will always be ‘back to basics’:
  1. Parasite cleanse:
  1. 7-day deep intestinal cleanse:
  1. Liver flush:


  1. Daily cellular flush:
  1. 6 – 12 month heavy metal flush:

and then ALWAYS support with a daily probiotic. Those microorganisms are your very best friend:


For more call Imsyser +27 (0) 86 010 3859

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