Your Blood Type Identity – The Blueprint of Your Health. Detox & Health in a nutshell.
There is a connection between a person’s blood and diet. Each person is a unique creation with specific characteristics. There are no two people on earth who are alike therefore not all people should eat the same foods.
Blood is the blueprint of our health, the élan vital that has sustained us since time immemorial. A single drop of blood, too small to see with the naked eye contains the entire genetic code of a human being. The DNA blueprint is intact and replicated within us endlessly – via our blood.
Our blood also contains aeons of genetic memory – bits and pieces of specific programming, passed on from our ancestors in codes we are still attempting to comprehend. The code which resides within our blood type is perhaps the most important code to decipher in our attempt to unravel the mysteries of blood, and its vital role in our existence.
To the naked eye, blood is a homogeneous red liquid. But under the microscope blood shows itself to be composed of many different elements. The red blood cells contain a special type of iron that our bodies use to carry oxygen. White blood cells, far less numerous than the red cruise our bloodstreams like ever-vigilant troops, protecting us against infection.
This complex, living fluid also contains proteins that deliver nutrients to the tissues, platelets that help it to clot, and plasma that contains the guardians of our immune system.
If you’re struggling with chronic health problems, chances are you’d greatly benefit from a detoxification program. If residual toxic chemicals remain in fat and the brain then what are the future consequences? South Africa is presently in top 5 list of countries dealing with obesity issues.
The ultimate detox routine will mobilise toxins from fat to blood over a period while eating a high nutrition, calorie-restricted diet. Studies on body fat proved that fat contained 140 – 150 x higher levels of toxins than blood.
Studies have assessed the level of toxic chemicals in the visceral fat (under the skin and around the body organs) +/- 1000 x higher in fat than the blood serum levels of the average person.
The average levels of chlorinated pesticides found in fat can also be 1000 x higher in fat compared to blood serum. We only need to study the results on water analysis to understand this problem.
The two biggest surface areas are the skin and the GI tract. You can mobilize toxins from the skin by sweating (sauna) & exercise but also using the GI tract to pull it out. Detoxification is the process but it is actually mobilization of the toxic chemicals, and then having a way to eliminate it and to excrete it out. Good healthy water is crucial to our well-being.
‘Detoxification’ by medical terms is only in the liver. For these purposes a liver flush is essential.
But to avoid toxic exposures, your best bet is to use a proactive approach to clean out your body on a regular basis. A deep intestinal cleanse 4 – 6 times a year is advised. Keeping a healthy gut is crucial to optimal functioning of the gut and for these purposes a daily supplement of probiotics is essential.
Nutrition is ultimately the answer to all our ‘dis-eases’ since ‘we are what we eat’!! ‘Dis-ease” is merely a state of imbalance that needs to be corrected at cellular level in a well-balanced lifestyle.
- Nutrition: In the past our healthy foods supplied all our nutritional and probiotic needs. NO MORE!! The answer lies in going back to basics. Edible gardens not only satisfy these requirements but also allow our children to participate in taking responsibility over their own bodies and health.
- Adequate amounts of Sunshine.
- Regular Exercise
- Good Water
- Healthy Spiritual State
- Adequate Rest
The body will only respond to a fine balance of each of these facets. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR OWN HEALTH.
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