Is your best Immunity just about boosting with excellent nutrients? Boost your Immune System
Is your best Immunity just about boosting with excellent nutrients? As you may know, there are many nutrients that can boost your Immune System in the market place today. These include vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, Echinacea, Elderberry or a whole food Supplement such as the Imsyser Health Tabs. Supporting all your nutritional needs with the added advantage of removing all toxic waste at cellular level. With the various super anti-oxidants making up the product design.
There is something more that most do not realise or know.
Your best immunity. You can take all those nutrients but if your gut is clogged up you will still suffer from a sluggish Immune System!
Most of us have a sluggish metabolism. Diet and lifestyle related. Quite often the issue is mainly a gut issue. A compromised gut is a compromised Immune System. All health stems from the gut and all Immunity from within the gut. The Gut is actually you best immunity. Any road to true wellness starts with getting rid of the toxic roadblocks, toxic waste in our digestive system. This is 95% of the root cause of most ill-health.
Firstly, our body covers everything we ingest that it perceive as ‘foreign’ or ‘toxic’ with a mucous layer. Secondly, the body then gently expels the waste covered by the mucous out of the body. Unfortunately many of us do not consume enough fiber daily, resulting in process disturbance. Or even drink enough water to assist with this natural process. Finally, the gut always removes the mucus layer first. This is to facilitate all healthy movement in and out of the gut, daily! With correct ‘detoxing’ or ‘cleansing’ we can get rid of this hardened toxic mucous build-up. Aditionally, when you do a 7 day gentle deep intestinal cleanse you remove years’ worth of old waste.
Gentle Deep Intestinal Cleanse
This product is formulated as your best immunity to assist in softening and eliminating of this impacted intestinal mucous layer. It assists in stabilizing the Immune System. When effective cleansing is happening it detoxes the intestines and balancing your metabolism. The 100% natural herbs assist in the dissolving of this toxic layer and neutralizing of the toxic release. This can be observed every time the layer is broken down. Slippery Elm assists in the easy gentle movement out of the body.
Remember this is your daytime machine literally orchestrating all health from within the gut.
You can take all those nutrients as your best immunity.
We mostly only start getting concerned when our liver is clogged up. That is when we start start suffering from a sluggish Immune System! Then we get the night-time machine regulating the body from within the liver while the gut takes a “break”. The liver is responsible for detoxification. The point many people are unaware of is that our liver is also part of our Immune System. It’s loaded with Immune cells, like macrophages, natural killer cells, T-cells, B-cells, etc. The body is left compromised when the effective functioning of the immune system is affected. That’s why, if your liver is clogged up, your Immune System suffers, too.
Clogged Liver
Many people have a clogged liver without knowing it. The way we live even if we live a healthy lifestyle, you can’t avoid daily exposure to harmful toxins. The sources of harmful toxins to our body are unlimited. Both our liver and our gut can become compromised by the other not being in good health. We are a well-orchestrated, co-dependent “system” that needs all parts to function well to harmonise well within the body. It is important to manage you liver health from a regular detox too healthy support has never been more important than now.
Did you Know? A Liver Cleanse done within 24 hours can prevent a gallstone operation!
Good health is impossible without a proper functioning liver. Furthermore with time, we abuse and overwork the liver, so that illness is the inevitable result.
As part of a programme to repair and rebuild the liver we must –
- Remove all the excess fat from the liver
- Get bile flowing freely again
- Eliminate toxic waste that our livers have filtered out from the blood
- All gallstones that are stored in our liver are dissolved and pass out
- Regenerate the damaged and destroyed cells of the liver.
Next to the skin, the liver is the largest organ in the body. In many ways, it is the most important organ in the body. Yet the last to be considered when it comes to health. In addition to being large, the liver is also a complicated organ involved in at least 200 separate functions. The liver performs a vital role. It regulates, synthesizing, storing, secreting, transforming, and breaking down many different substances in the body.
As mentioned previously it not what we do but how we do it at Imsyser Health. In conclusion, for restoration to be optimised we have to go back to basics. Gut health and liver health remain core too all Immune Health. So simply call us for any questions 086 010 3859 or simply click here:

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