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You And Your Gut Health

You and Your Gut Health Gut Health is Key Today! It is Key to your Health and it  is Key to Your Immunity. And without effective Immunity your health is seriously at risk!! Most visits to health practitioners will either directly or indirectly stem from these two concerns which are directly linked to each other.…


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You and Your Gut Health

Gut Health is Key Today! It is Key to your Health and it  is Key to Your Immunity. And without effective Immunity your health is seriously at risk!!

Most visits to health practitioners will either directly or indirectly stem from these two concerns which are directly linked to each other. I.e. our modern day term AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASES. THESE DISEASES RELATE DIRECTLY TO COMPROMISED IMMUNITY. People either suffer from digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, upset stomach, runny stools, and irregular bowel movements or simply remain ill for mostly termed unknown reasons (i.e. auto-immune diseases) the root cause lying in compromised Immunity. Digestive issues in SA relate to a good ½ million rand worth of sales every year and yet the problem continues.

Could it be that we simply repeat history by looking for quick fixes and not to the real underlying issue?? Is the issue not to permanently empower your gut to work optimally all the time, supporting optimal Immunity through this DAILY? I believe this is the true long-term solution but how to do this??

Quiet simply Imsyser Health Products  has the products designed to do exactly this!

Your gut loves fermented foods. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, pickled veggies, and tempeh encourage the growth of good bacteria for a healthy gut. But not everyone likes type of food yet our plant sources are deplete of the good bacteria necessary to ensure this daily supply. What now?

Imsyser Microbial Liquid Stabiliser!!

Pre&Probiotics are required to ensure good maintenance of the Gut health daily and thereby also assisting optimal Immune health is ensured. This is a uniquely designed 12 STRAIN liquid probiotic (500 ml; once opened lasts 1 – 2 months) with a symbiotic relationship of the prebiotics and digestive enzymes needed to assist & mimic natural gut behaviour. Can be taken as is or in a little juice. Works from the mouth all the way through to the lowest end of gut, where most probiotics in tablet form do not even work. These common probiotics as found in pharmacies cannot be dried-freezed to go into a tablet or capsule form. Imsyser is a truly amazing product, unique in its design, and instantly effective solution to 100 % probiotic support for gut (and Immune) health.

Improve digestion in all three digestive zones- stomach, liver, and intestines for effective healthy digestive health and in effect Immunity. Visit the Imsyser website www.imsyser.co.za for the optimal liver flush recipe with ingredients you more than likely have at home already to flush out toxic waste overnight and assist the gut functioning in:

  • Healthy triggers which in turn help triggers bile production to break down and digest fats and proteins
  • Healthy triggers which promotes easy, regular bowel movements
  • Healthy triggers which helps stimulate digestive juices and metabolize food
  • Healthy triggers which stabilise and optimise health gut flora
  • Healthy triggers which reduce bloating
  • Healthy triggers which relieve constipation
  • Healthy triggers which support Immunity
  • Healthy triggers which optimise Brain health
  • Healthy triggers which at the end of the day controls ALL HEALTH.

Your choice! So Simple! So easy to use! 1 Tablespoon daily and all gut health optimised for healthy trigger reactions to all healthy systems.

CALL TODAY! 086 010 3959 or simply CLICK HERE:

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