Dealing With Depression
With crazy modern-day stress levels, one of the biggest requests at the doctor’s surgery is crisis management and/or depression. Depression is a chronic mental condition, and as a rule a condition that has been kept ‘controlled’ until literally ‘all hell breaks loose’ and then it’s often far too late.
…are not the solution. They can actually change your personality. These are chemically formulated drugs and in worst case solutions should only be used to manage the initial stage of depression at best. The cause of the problem should be sought and managed through effective counselling and looking after your health, especially your gut health
Why gut health?
All information runs along the Vagus nerve from the gut to the brain and not the other way around as was thought until relatively recently. It remains a crucial that we attend to these matters to ensure all sound information is relayed in this regard, especially in a sound environment; your health.
Imsyser health products
At Imsyser we care about our client’s health. What we do is not different, how we do it, however, is what makes us different. Our products are unique. Our products are 100% natural. Our products are safe to use for all ages.
What makes them unique is that they were developed to support the body’s own natural defence system, your Immunity, through effective gut health. For this purpose, we have 2 very unique products that not only assists in deep intestinal cleansing but also in optimising gut health through probiotic support.
Once gut health is established, Immunity is established. With the introduction of the Immune support tablet, nutritional demands are met through wholefood ‘essential’ nutrition. Not only does this product offer 100% natural Immune support nutritionally, but it also optimises Immune activity by ensuring a gentle daily cellular detox, which produces optimal energy output at cellular level.
This combined effect of Gut and Immune support ensures optimal health is not only attained but also maintained daily, 100% naturally.
Imsyser Deep Intestinal cleanse
Imsyser offers a new approach in a market trend that is fast becoming the No.1 trend of the century!! With the latest feedback reports the deep intestinal cleanse has been shown to assist feeling of depression and or lethargy. They often run together and by merely ensuring good, healthy gut function is ensured and maintained. A huge difference is often felt long before the product is even completed. This is a 7-day deep intestinal cleanse designed as a detox with the resultant release at cognitive level. Please view our latest video for results as displayed by our customers.
Imsyser’s Probiotic for Brain Health support
Not only is it been scientifically proven that amazing support is offered for patients battling with all kinds of memory issues but more specifically those battling with depression. In fact, the results are literally this side of spectacular. Turn-around displays of stability within the realm of depression when taking a daily probiotic is now widely accepted.
Our products are available country-wide and ready for the export market. For more on this amazing product range and all the ‘added-value’ services inclusive of online support and education call 086 010 3859 or simply
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