New discoveries linked to Covid-19
It is amazing as we watch the stats and constantly new discoveries linked to Covid-19. It somehow still always indicates your microbiome and your health status. For example if your body is in a ‘healthy’ or ‘dis-eased’ state, in other words health compromised body. Researchers have discovered that 57% of our body’s total cell count is made up of the microbiome. In other words, non-human cells. The microbiome is the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that live throughout our bodies.
And it’s these ‘microbiome’ that can turn against us . When out of whack, meaning the bad ones overtake or over-ride the normal healthy systems that control your Immunity. In turn compromising the immune system, then leading to deceases.
Further more a compromised immunity can affect the way your body deals with things like the classic pandemic. These circumstances that would mean ill-health, during a classic Pandemic cause underlying health status could lead to your worst fate!!
What to do?
Quite simply reduce that negative load on the Immune System to help your body cope. In addition this can be done by maintaining a healthy count of you good ‘microbiome’. Therefore if you have a healthy system you can deal with what life seems to be throwing at you!
Who to do it with?
Quite simply once again, your most natural approach to reducing this toxicity should be your first and ultimate goal. With Imsyser we have spent years putting a range together. Especially dealing with this very need knowing that it doesn’t take a Pandemic to expose this truth. All modern day toxicity resulting in reduced or compromised Immunity stems from this source.
Getting to the core of it all
Removing Parasites:
Removing Fungi and Candida:
Removing toxic intestinal load:
Removing all cellular micro toxicity:
Improving your good gut microbiome:
Get rid of heavy metals:
As you reduce loads not only will health naturally improve but energy levels spike and weight loss as well as underlying health conditions literally fizzle out of your life promoting your healthiest you, the way God intended for you, again. It’s that simple.
Call the Imsyser team for your very best health advice going forward as we help you on this journey. This our passionate call for all. Call 086 010 3859 or simply click here:
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