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What An Amazing Testimony…Imsyser Parasite Cleanse

Imsyser Parasite Cleanse…Testimony Imsyser Parasite & Candida Cleanse Drops to your health rescue. Her story… We had one of our more recent clients who has been trying to fall pregnant over the past 4 & half years come to us for health-related issues. She had been able to conceive but each foetus was lost in…


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Imsyser Parasite Cleanse…Testimony

Imsyser Parasite & Candida Cleanse Drops to your health rescue.

Her story…
We had one of our more recent clients who has been trying to fall pregnant over the past 4 & half years come to us for health-related issues. She had been able to conceive but each foetus was lost in an almost “strangled” fashion. Her words. So she started the process where she used the intestinal cleanse after being advised that it would be wise to do the parasite cleanse as well. She then replied that she had tried numerous products available in the pharmacies and had not noticed any worms and or parasites. Here words – she was clean!

As it would be she was convinced that she needed change and did so. By day 3 she phoned almost horrified at what she had noticed come out of her – a worm literally arms-length and still totally alive. The rest of the next few days proved similar results with yet more worms and parasites much to her disgust.

To say the least we have a very happy client. I have however suggested another cleanse to fully expel any last remnants for her continued health!!

It has been an amazing journey understanding the true hidden value in not only doing regular intestinal cleanses but getting to the route of the issue: Parasites!!


Imsyser Deep Intestinal Cleanse 170g

Parasites can cause great damage to the human body, weakening our Immune System thereby causing disease. This is why even though it is quite normal for parasites to cycle through our bodies, it is very important to eliminate them on a regular basis. They are probably the most diverse of all biological forms and yet remain hostile to humans. Parasites are all around us: in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Every single living organism can be infected by these super-bugs.

Even bacteria have parasites!

International travelling has made matters worse by enabling rapid and uncontrolled spread to areas with low natural Immunity. Parasites are everywhere! When the Immune System is strong, the infected host generally remains well. But where Immunity is compromised, as with environmental illnesses, these infestations can be source of serious symptoms or actual ‘dis-ease’.

Parasites do NOT kill the host but cause severe allergic reactions, where the cause is not obvious. There is the added disadvantage of internal competition for nutrients from parasites and the actual host (body) will inevitably lead to micro- and macro-nutrient deficiencies. This in turn leads to chronic ill health, lowered Immunity and the possibility of other ‘dis-ease’. Parasites therefore become part of the clinical evaluation – this is not a sick body problem but a healthy body being damaged by extraneous factors. We like to refer to ‘dis-ease’ since it is a temporary state of imbalance that may and should be restored for optimal health to result.

Parasites, even when present in significant numbers, may not be the sole cause of the patient’s problems but merely a contributing factor.

Symptoms to be noted:

Loss of appetite
Body aches and pains (not confined to gut)
Changed gut habits
Flatulence & Bloating
Constant hunger
Skin rashes & Eczema
Itching anus
Itching ears.

Finally, if you can’t think of any other cause for ill health or dis-ease after numerous visits to your health specialists, I always tell my clients to “think parasites”. Remember this is not a ‘dewormer’ treatment but PARASITE Cleanse. And is an amazing start to flushing Candida out of the body with vengeance.

This parasite cleanse is a 100% Herbal, Organic, Phyto-Neutraceutical product. A Spagyric Commixtion – 100% Natural min 75% EtOH Extract.

It is a cleanser, toner and healer. Is safe to use for all, but should be monitored by your health professional when pregnant or for usage by children.

Directions for use:

Take once per day after food with a little fruit juice for taste.


2 – 4 drops twice daily and build up dosage in distilled water. Children use 1/2 dosages.


Note: Emptying the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body’s health. But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse.

Contact us on 086 010 3859 for more information on how to follow the liver flush recipe.

For more on these amazing products simply 

One response to “What An Amazing Testimony…Imsyser Parasite Cleanse”

  1. […] of your system. Which is one reason why Ivermectin is so popular. There is however the Proudly SA Imsyser Parasite Cleanse made for […]

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