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Vulcan Silver vs Colloidal Silver

We can safely say Silver has been in the frontline for antiviral And unfortunately all most people know is the colloidal Silver version of this amazing potential. At Imsyser Health we are here to educate and help bring natural solutions to the table to help in this time of a great pandemic that is leaving…


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We can safely say Silver has been in the frontline for antiviral

And unfortunately all most people know is the colloidal Silver version of this amazing potential. At Imsyser Health we are here to educate and help bring natural solutions to the table to help in this time of a great pandemic that is leaving most of us fearing literally for our lives. It is important to know about vulcan silver vs collodial silver.

So, to answer a question we always get when we suggest Vulcan Silver the latest technology streets ahead of any similar product like the Colloidal Silver, registered and patented in over 40 countries world-wide…..

Vulcan Silver versus Colloidal Silver.

Silver cannot be concentrated without the use of agents such as proteins or ions because they all carry the same electrical charges (like repel and opposites attract) which is why pure colloidal silver will never exceed 20ppm (parts per million). This means that to take medicinally relevant doses of colloidal silver you would have to drink about 50 litres of it a week, the water alone would make you sick not to mention the fact that at those volumes you would almost certainly get Argyria (blue skin) because of the innate properties of colloidal and the FDA has published guidelines to this effect.

The working properties of Vulcan have taken the silver molecule and re-engineered it, sort of given it quantum properties. Quantum refers to an object that can be in two places at once. With the patented method of Vulcan, they have taken the silver molecule and imbued it with both a positive and negative charge (referred to as bipole).

The state of flux

Neil went on to discuss that it is in what he calls a state of flux.  This allows the silver molecules to ‘attract’ to each other and aggregate without the need for ions or ligands of any type.  This allows for high concentrations of 10 000 ppm as is the case with Vulcans 50ml bottles. Further suggesting that he could make concentrations of up to 1 000 000 parts per 1 000 000 (dry powder) making it easier to administer medicinally in relevant doses with just 50ml per week without any of the side effects associated with colloidal/ionic silver

Because colloidal silver has been around for the best part of a century people assume that anything stating colloidal or even nano silver are all pretty much the same thing. That was until Vulcan Silver came along. Totally different technology with 1000-fold results! Now you can understand the benefits of vulcan silver vs colloidal silver.

Our website has so much more information on all the other value adds – we have just mentioned one in this time of need. simply call 086 010 3859 or click here:

One response to “Vulcan Silver vs Colloidal Silver”

  1. […] and re-infections. Please note – Drug or alcohol abuse have shown to limit the efficacy of Vulcan. I have no doubt most of us need this very unique product with no shelf-life in our emergency […]

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