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Vulcan Silver the new ‘kid’ on the block?

If I can surprise you …no, not at all ….developed….patented and registered a good 15 years ago!!! This amazing product, Vulcan silver, is developed with Nano technology. To create clusters of silver deposits in an existing ‘colloidal’ silver state(distilled water) with incredible results. A product 1000 times more potent than you average normal Colloidal Silver.…


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If I can surprise you …no, not at all ….developed….patented and registered a good 15 years ago!!!

This amazing product, Vulcan silver, is developed with Nano technology. To create clusters of silver deposits in an existing ‘colloidal’ silver state(distilled water) with incredible results. A product 1000 times more potent than you average normal Colloidal Silver. Quantum Science explains the exponential silver deposits 1000 times.

Vulcan silver

Vulcan Silver is a registered complementary medicine with the Medicines control council. It has it’s NAPPI code and is on the national registry for medicinal products. It is manufactured in the UK according to GMP (good manufacturing practice). And meets or exceeds all the requirements. As set out by the relevant authorities. However packaged and re-distributed right here in South Africa from the Imsyser Health Head Office.

A Short Introduction

Neil, an HIV specialist living in Pretoria, partner to the original patent holder in the UK, was kind enough to teach the Imsyser team about the benefits of this amazing product which has been in development and used for various ailments as described below for the past 20 years.

More specifically, tests done at our own CSIR for HIV and Malaria.  it is noted that with a universal dose of 2.5mg of this amazing product, 3 weeks into treatment HIV ( no chronic aggressive infections present) may be reversed as the silver manages to penetrate and destroy this virus!

CD counts

One of the interesting facts was the fact that it appears that viral loads may change with various treatments but very seldom changes are seen in the CD counts. Not the case for Vulcan Silver, however!!

In the UK test were done more specifically on Hepatitis with incredible results! as was the results of the top 6 chronic infections as experienced in the UK.

Simply put this amazing product is developed with Nano technology to create clusters of silver deposits in an existing ‘colloidal’ silver state(distilled water) with incredible results – a product 1000 times more potent than you average normal Colloidal Silver. A mere understanding of Quantum Science explains the exponential deposits as opposed to normal production of a simple Colloidal Silver.

For more on the various studies done scroll down for the summary of these trials.

And, best of all there is no potential danger of over-dosing or the old-fashioned belief that you could go “blue”! The resultant high in energy release is mere proof of the amazing detox experienced even for the most toxic of constipation cases. Similarly, this product is safe for babies and children. In fact, it was found in some of the studies that if the infected HIV mother is treated, the baby is born without the same. This treatment of a mere 1ml might be dropped into any formula for easy treatment from the youngest of ages.

Vulcan Silver is also totally safe for the worst of TB cases – all types of TB. And so, the list goes on, as may be noted below.

Enjoy reading up about this amazing healing treatment right here on your doorstep……simply call Imsyser 086 010 3859 or click here

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