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Magnesium Need Get to Understand It

Need to know  Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral that is vital to the overall health of your body. At Imsyser we realize that many battle with various health issues. But do not truly understanding the own health needs during times of crisis. E.g. the simple need of a healthy sleep pattern. Besides 42% of…


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Magnesium (2)

Need to know 

Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral that is vital to the overall health of your body. At Imsyser we realize that many battle with various health issues. But do not truly understanding the own health needs during times of crisis. E.g. the simple need of a healthy sleep pattern. Besides 42% of our physiology needs magnesium, as well as every molecule of energy. We need to understand this. And more sadly so most people are SEVERELY deficient in magnesium.

Added to higher stress levels, less sleep as a result with totally compromised Immunity we are at risk. In fact, under acute stress, magnesium is the first to go. This does not help as in reality magnesium actually helps lower stress level. Magnesium helps calm the sympathetic nervous system. Moreover it helps you get into a state of parasympathetic relaxation. In turn increasing better sleep performance. 

There are seven different types of magnesium

  1. Chelate is especially important for muscle building, recovery, and health.
  2. Citrate helps with the effects of surrounding obesity.
  3. Bisglycinate is most often used to treat symptoms of too much stomach acid.
  4. Malate is thought to be the most bio available form (found naturally in fruits, giving them “tart taste”). It may help with headaches, pain, and mood issues.
  5. L-Threonate is important for the brain because it supports memory function.
  6. Taurate is best for your heart.
  7. Orotate supports your heart, too, and is believed to be the best form to assist metabolic improvements.
    We at Imsyser health have an amazing Magnesium Citrate. Firstly it helps our clients with their obesity issues. Secondly, it helps with sleep. Finally it assists with a whole array of other issues. This specific magnesium is sourced from the “Dead Sea”. It contains not only Magnesium, but also 21 other minerals dearly needed. These include:
    • Calcium
    • Sulphur
    • Bromide
    • Iodine
    • Sodium
    • Zinc
    • Potassium.
  • The above mentioned essential Minerals naturally occur in our bodies but need constant replenishing. This is due to the fact that they are constantly lost throughout the day. These Minerals are known to treat, detoxify, and cleanse our body: Magnesium Cirate help maintain normal muscle, nerve function and keeps the heart rhythm steady. Further more it helps regulate the blood sugar and assists with protein synthesis. https://bit.ly/31Yw8Ky. See the link above, it will take you straight to our shop where you can buy your own. 

Magnesium Chloride

This is the most versatile, absorbable and effective form of magnesium. This form can be used orally, trans dermal and via IV drip. It can even be nebulized directly into the lungs. Also in a much diluted and purest form it can be dropped into the eyes. If you think about it, it is a no-brainier to use during the Covid-19 crisis. This helps with lung management during these times. As covid-19 affects the lungs the most by causing phlegm buildup. When nebulized into the lung it opens up the lungs. In turn making it easier to breath for the infected person.  

The Dead Sea Source is widely known for its minerals and is found in sea salt. Furthermore, the unique composition of the Dead Sea water apparently makes its salt more potent. The minerals that can be found in the Dead Sea water are magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium; but the highest concentration is that of the electrolyte’s chloride and bromide.

Some of the prominent minerals of the Dead Sea mud are:

  • silicon dioxide,
  • calcium oxide,
  • aluminium oxide,
  • magnesium oxide,
  • iron (III) oxide,
  • sodium oxide,
  • potassium oxide,
  • titanium (IV) oxide,
  • sulphur trioxide,
  • phosphorous pentoxide,
  • chloride
  • and bromide.

With Covid-19 still around we recommend using this product. During this season look no further than to us. We are here to help and answer any questions you many have. Furthermore, you can call us 086 010 3859 or simply click here.

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