Skin Renewal, Acne & Pro-biotics
Once again, it came to my attention just how amazing a really good pro-biotics is. When I visited my sister, she reminded me of just how effective the Imsyser Pro-biotic has been. In the past 2 years it has helped her 20 your old son with the challenges he was going through.
After battling for many years and many treatments from the skin specialist including Roaccutane for the skin – when he forgets to take the pro-biotic – eruptions start, irrelevant of treatments or not. And in this case, we are actually talking about a youngster that lives and eats well. So, what we are clarifying is the fact that even the best nutrition. Including drinking lots of water as he was trained to do was not enough. He needed more to manage the skin condition.
At Imsyser we often advise clients to even use the Imsyser Pro-biotic on their skin for acne, toxic skin reactions and eczema cases and have experienced incredible results. But, there again, if you understand that we are literally “walking microbiome”, it leaves very little to wonder about. Of course, the fact that these microbiome need constant replacing (from the bad ones especially in the gut). Furthermore they need to be replenished. This can be done by using a really good many-stained brand like Imsyser. This is a no brainer!
Pro-biotics & Your Mind
With our product we have seen numerous positive results. The results show when it comes to anxiety, depression and energy levels going through the roof. This is done by merely adjusting your microbiome. This is done by not only incorporate a more diverse range of strands that might be deficient or need replenishing. We are very much aware, most of us can only handle less strain than usual these days. This affects us no mater our age.
The “Chemical Imbalance” or did I mean Microbiome Imbalance??
Chemical reactions through our neurotransmitters, carrying the nerve impulses are totally dependent on microbiome to help the processes happen. Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), our mood and anxiety regulators need a healthy bacterial balance to function properly.
Apart from breaking down food and absorbing the nutrients. Our microbiome are the biggest players when it comes to the health of these related to digestive enzymes. These in turn help to also breakdown the food. The “enzymes” are often probiotics that break down the food, assist with the absorption. They also create many vitamins, such as vitamin K to mention but one.
Pro-biotics also help create the essential chemicals our bodies need to function, including the neurotransmitters. The gut also houses our second brain, known as the enteric nervous system (ENS). The ENS is part of the PNS, (peripheral nervous system). As opposed to the CNS (central nervous system or the brain and spinal cord). This second brain has around 100 million cells and is connected to the CNS via the Vagus Nerve. Information thus runs up and down this system using the good bacteria to ‘communicate’. No communicators leads to poorly met needs elsewhere.
Probiotic imbalance could be cause by being too few of the good bacteria and/or the wrong bacteria in the gut. This relates to imbalances on almost every imaginable level in the body. From the outside on the skin to the inside. Be it the gut or the brain.
The Shift to Shift your Change
The balance the good bacteria is good. In turn you will balance the chemicals, change the gut, change the skin and reduce anxiety. This includes a huge array of other health issues in-between. We need to have a healthy gut bacterial population or microbiome. You are after all as healthy as your gut is; or your microbiome are.
You do need to ensure we have the correct pro-biotics in your gut. We need to understand that our modern life does not allow most of us to get the probiotics we need. These are naturally found from our environment and in our foods. During the Pandemic, and through excessive cleanliness is destroys our natural microbiome.
You do need to supplement with a good pro-biotic daily. There is no arguing with that fact. This is done to ensure that you have the best probiotic, working from the mouth, all the way to the lowest end of the digestive tract. It should be readily bio-available, to do the best damage control, soonest. It is that simple! Quite simply its Imsyser. Simply call 086 010 3859 to find out more or simply click here:

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