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Beneficial Bacteria: The Value of Beneficial Bacteria

The Body’s Immune System’s capability Beneficial bacteria (good bacteria as we commonly know them) help to consume available food sources in the intestine.  Thus depriving the harmful bacteria of their normal food sources, keeping control of those numbers. Approximately 80% of the body’s Immune System’s capability is derived from these beneficial bacteria in the gut.…


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The Body’s Immune System’s capability

Beneficial bacteria (good bacteria as we commonly know them) help to consume available food sources in the intestine.  Thus depriving the harmful bacteria of their normal food sources, keeping control of those numbers.

Approximately 80% of the body’s Immune System’s capability is derived from these beneficial bacteria in the gut. The average adult body contains approximately 2.5 kg of bacteria, both good and bad. 1.5kg of beneficial bacteria is estimated to be found in the large intestine. There is approximately 400+ varieties of bacteria in the digestive tract. This takes many years to build up through a healthy diet. As well as lifestyle after the initial deposit as a new-born from the mommy.

What most don’t understand therefore, is that by eradicating all of one’s probiotic bacteria by taking antibiotics.  In some cases many courses. On the other hand, simply taking a probiotic supplement afterwards (containing perhaps 2 or 3 strains of probiotic bacteria). This is not really going to build up that same level of diversity of good bacteria. As would occur naturally with a good diet. And sadly, still after years of proof many doctors still do not automatically add the probiotic to the initial script. This is until much later when all hell breaks loose in the patient’s overall health!

Beneficial bacteria assist with the following:

  • Assists to inhibit potential pathogenic
  • Help to prevent diarrhoea caused by rota virus or salmonella
  • Helps to reduce the proliferation of Candida
  • Assists in increased defaecation and helps to reduce constipation
  • Helps in digestion by altering the pH (producing lactic acid) and improving the uptake of minerals, especially calcium.
  • Help to digest lactose for the lactose-intolerant
  • Involved in the production of vitamins, for example, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 B12, A, D and K. Including essential fatty acids
  • Assist in protein digestion
  • Helps to clean the digestive tract.
  • Produces natural antibiotics and anti-fungal such as hydrogen peroxide, also preventing infections.
  •        Helps increase the number of Immune cells
  •        Helps protect the body from environmental toxins and helps reduce waste at cellular level.
So why would you NOT take them especially now during COVID-19!!!!

The stomach destroys active probiotic bacterial cells. As an illustration they reach the small and large intestine. The exact number taken. Could be irrelevant. Given that not so critical. The main purpose of taking probiotics is to provide viable cells of good bacteria. These can seed or multiply in the small and large intestine. It is not, factually, to physically populate the colon with good bacteria from just the probiotic bacteria. The ones which will survived and reach the colon. This would be a mammoth task. Given the small number that reach the colon. Not forgetting the several kilos of good bacteria required there.

The essence of health lies in the providing a regular supply of seeding bacteria to the colon. For this to take place one needs to ensure optimal conditions. Eating a balanced diet with your prebiotics assists with good bacteria. On the other hand lack of a balanced diet creates an environment for bad bacteria to grow. It should be everyone’s goal to achieving and maintaining a healthy floral gut balance.

At Imsyser our technology is a 100% natural. In addition it is based on a unique and highly effective combination of beneficial inter-active microorganisms. They operate in a revolutionary relationship with each other. In so doing enable living organisms (plants, animals, human bodies) to function to their fullest potential on a physical level. The basic groups of microorganisms in the Imsyser Liquid Microbial Product are lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and phototrophic bacteria. Not forgetting soil-based organisms.

How important are these Good Bacteria?

Since the beginnings of life on Earth, bacteria has been a vital part of the life cycle. Found in every living organism on the planet. It is bacteria that allow plants, animals and humans alike to use the nutrition from their foods. As well as correct functioning of cells. They help living organisms to create natural vitamins and antibiotics and are a major factor in fighting disease. To sum it all up: life cannot survive without the work of bacteria.

What is the Real Trick that makes the Imsyser Brand stand out!!!

What is new is the means to harness the capabilities of these various types of microorganisms. This harnessing is done. In one effective, self-supporting and effective group. Most probiotics available today contain only one or two species of bacteria. They are grown as pure cultures and then freeze-dried so that they may be kept alive. It is not a natural process. This ‘process’ doesn’t contain the full range of species microbes usually interact with as part of their normal life cycle. Moreover, these probiotics are grown in a sterile environment. They have no competition. So when they are introduced to the wild and variable ecosystems of the “real world”. Their ability to survive is severely impeded.

The Microbes

The microbes in Imsyser’s Liquid Microbial Product, however, comprise a wide range of beneficial micro-organisms. Fermented together at body temperature, allowing them to grow, interact and compete naturally. This unique process helps to create a consortium of highly effective, inter-dependent microbes that have the ability to survive together. Regardless of the environment.   Going on to influence the environment in a regenerative (rejuvenating) direction. Whether it be in a human or animal body, soils, plants or water.

The reason for our efficacy and results is not, the number of microbes present in the product. But, rather the number of microbial species. In the natural world, the various species of microbes are utterly reliant upon each other for growth. As well as stability.  Confirmed by the diversity of microbial life in soils and plants. Imsyser’s Liquid Microbial Product Microbes closely mirrors this natural range of microbes that are found in our soils and food.

Imsyser’s Liquid Microbial Product

Microbes are all naturally fermented. That’s what to look for when considering Imsyser’s Liquid Microbial Product is that  This done at body temperature. At this instant relevant when one considers that the human body’s most important source of beneficial bacteria. Fermented foods. This means the finished products are raw. By and large containing 40 trace minerals, amino acids (up to 18). For one thing various organic acid compounds, nearly 100 types of enzymes. As well as B complex vitamins, Vitamin A. (in the form of Retonin, the form ready for absorption by the body). As well as the live microbes which make up the solution itself. Most importantly these beneficial compounds are not added artificially. The brewing process runs naturally. Rather, they are a natural by-product of the fermentation process of these highly effective bacteria.

A natural by-product in this interactive phase is the resultant release of digestive enzymes. Equally important, a crucial benefit to healthy digestive functioning; also, a missing link from the modern day dried-freezed species commonly in the marketplace. 

And in Summary…..

Due to the increased use of chemical fertilizers and antibiotics in modern agriculture. Livestock and animal health, environmental remediation and human health. In addition, neither plants, animals nor mankind, for that matter, receive the benefits of the various bacteria. In particular that should be a part of the normal life cycle. The interactive action of Imsyser’s Liquid Microbial Product provides us with mutually supportive bacteria. In the same way which can influence the entire bacterial population of any eco-system. The body of any living organism has never been uniformly achieved. We have reached a new era. In the evolution of natural technologies.

Go Imsyser! Pass Immune Health! Simply call our team for a little advice 086 010 3859 or click here to order this incredible product:

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