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The role of Heavy Metals in Disease Management

What to know about heavy metals HEAVY METALS play a very critical and dangerous role in our health. Heavy metals are not made to be placed on our skin, in the mouth, in the food we eat or in the water we drink and more so not to the extent that they are being added…


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Heavy metals

What to know about heavy metals

HEAVY METALS play a very critical and dangerous role in our health. Heavy metals are not made to be placed on our skin, in the mouth, in the food we eat or in the water we drink and more so not to the extent that they are being added to most of our food and liquid food sources.

So, the fact that remains we need to choose well when it comes to food choices, liquids, skin products and anything that we might use in or on our body. As far as the internal source of heavy metals – each enzyme contains a mineral inside and once an enzyme has run out of its life it is digested, but leaves the mineral as a waste, now in the form of METAL. We need to eliminate it with feces and urine, but fungi and bacteria can find it before we get rid of it. Parasites and bacteria use them to thrive and grow and then expel them. So, the problem is not the expelling in this case but the thriving of the parasites and bacteria causing overgrowth and a huge array of diseases from there or if we have a compromised gut, as most do, the excretory process is also compromised.

Metals participate in the deactivation of our white blood cells! So now we have another complication. A compromised Immunity equates to an auto-immune state and once this condition exists then disease starts manifesting, and we find more than one auto-immune in its related states also setting in and so the health deteriorates.


Cnidoscolus Aconitifolius is a highly nutritious shrub native to Central America and Mexico where it is has been widely cultivated for use as food and medicine for centuries. It is also referred to as the Mayan Miracle plant. Now available and planted in South Africa; the Imsyser supplier for our Chaya product range.


Many universities from different countries have done research on this unique plant. The plant has “exceptional nutritional value”. It contains essential amino acids and many vitamins and minerals. Twenty Phyto-chemotypes with different therapeutic activities have been revealed in Chaya.


Over and above the value of improved circulation, this one plant, one ingredient product is not only highly nutritious but optimises your natural iron levels and in so doing, increasing your natural energy. Higher Iron also ensure reduced resultant anaemia especially with younger menstruating girls or woman of all ages. of course, a natural given for the iron deficient vegans.


The super antioxidant effect of the Chaya also allows for healthy daily heavy metal detox which makes this supplement unique over and above the other huge benefits as classically seen by our clients using the Chaya range.


  • Improved sugar metabolism
  • Improved fat metabolism……making it great for weight-loss and Diabetes, as well your related heart issues.
  • Improved circulation also helping the Diabetics and weight-loss candidates including all your circulatory issues including eyesight and tingling hand and feet.
  • Improved circulation always allows for better healthier skin, complexion, blood flow & brain health and overall health.
  • Improved Liver functioning and Detox
  • Improved Cholesterol


Your greens are your solution to a regular heavy metals detox. At Imsyser we have an amazing Green food used as part of your smoothies eliminate your heavy metals plus all the other added benefits to help restore immunity in various compromised health states:


Imsyser has a powerful superfood, super meal that is doing wonder for those needing from an Immunity boost, children needing feeding to those desperately ill with Cancers and HIV. Different product designs were designed for different needs accordingly and in so-doing accomplished major results for modern day disease discrepancies.


The Geva range is an advanced nutritional formula that is fortified with Spirulina. Designed to enhance Immunity or Immune responses (auto-immune reactions) giving protection and modulating of the Immune System to support the heart and reduce cholesterol including helping to improve the Digestive System, naturally, through a gentle detoxification process. Reduction in the risk of cancer and increase the antioxidant capacity was noted on the international studies done more than 10 years ago as well as massive correction of anaemia in the human studies done.

…to the extent that an international award was awarded for this amazing product range!!


Why is Spirulina, one of the core ingredients, an ideal food for mankind?

Spirulina is a member of the Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) family; it has a spiral multi-cellular, filamentous structure consisting of proteins and sugar and it contains no cellulose as commonly found in almost all-vegetable matter. Spirulina consists of more concentrated nutrients than any other food, vegetables, seeds or plants, respectively. More than 60 % protein, of which all are easy to digest, having beta-carotene, vitamin B12, folic acid, minerals and essential fatty acids.

How is Geva different from other products on the market?

Other nutritious food possesses different properties for nourishment, whereby some of them must be consumed under the supervision of the physician or in limited quantity to prevent some side effects, which could occur as these products are fortified with synthetic nutrients. Geva is completely natural, sorghum fortified with Spirulina, a Superfood that is the natural consumable without any side effect.

The fortified Spirulina and sorghum on its own, consists of several nutritious elements, which are important for health improvement. These elements are proteins, essential amino acids, non-essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fat, sugar, mineral salts and calories.

Two amazing products designed for heavy metals detox plus various other health benefits that supersedes any other classic heavy metal detox pills. Normally this type of a detox is a 6-month process for best results but when it forms part of your other health benefits there is no limit as the value add is invaluable.

For more simply call 086 010 3859 or simply

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