Bacteria looking for the real havoc created
With all the focus on viruses, bacteria was also a cause of concern. It created a real havoc with the respiratory issues affecting so many during this pandemic. This has turned the focus onto micro-organisms. The focus was to study the damage micro-organisms can do especially in Immune compromised times and how to manage these. We need our system to be well balanced for it to work well.
Oral Microbiome
A diverse array of micro-organisms bacteria, parasite and viruses live in the human body. They make up the total microbiome. Microbiome out numbers all human cells by 10:1 and pretty much regulates most systems in the body as well. It’s ensuring the correct balance within the body is maintained. This is between the good and the not so good organisms that live in the body. It is important to ensure that these levels are kept are that right levels to prevent diseases in the body. Which is the game player. Oral health has been promoted for years. The problem is that the importance of oral health has not been explain properly.
So too, we find a similar status with our oral microbiome. For many years we have been made aware of the harmful potential of bad bacteria affecting our heart health. Managing that healthy status is of crucial importance to literally prevent death. Now researchers have discovered similar deathly potentials in bacteria found in the mouth that relate to certain cancers. Its hard to believe that mouth bacteria can contribute to cancer.
Similarly, a diverse array of bacteria live in the human mouth. This is a part of a vital ecosystem known as our oral microbiome. F-nucleatum, is a common bacteria found in the mouth. It has been found to be one of the potential contributors to existing cancer cells. They move through the body to toher parts of the body to spread, especially in the colon.
These bacteria have been found to travel through the blood to different sites in the body. They are associated with serious infections of the brain, liver, and heart. It has also has been associated with preterm birth in pregnant women. They are also present in high levels in colon tumours.
Life-style Issues; lets focus on micro-organisms
Firstly our lifestlye is in most cases the cause of “disease”. Secondly, poor oral hygiene could cause the bacteria to migrate to other parts of the body where cancers exist. There is evidence between severe gum disease and colorectal cancer. Just as there is evidence between severe gum disease and heart associated diseases. It also has been seen to be associated with Diabetes.
There has been several questions asked in the studies with regards to metastasis of these cancers. Even though many other previous studies have found a clear link to parasites, cancer as well as micro-organisms. In my understanding it simply indicates the symbiosis between these organisms. When in over-drive they literally overtaking the health system. Through the process of metastasis, they cause extreme inflammatory reactions in the body. This could possibly be the underlying reason for the actual cancer?!
I have attached some of the findings below. When you look at the information on hand. “F. nucleatum sticks to and even enters cancer cells using the protein Fap2. Which docks by binding with sugars over-represented on the surface of cancer cells. This in turn causes cancer cells to release two proteins known as IL-8 and CXCL1. These proteins are members of the cytokine protein family. Furthermore they play critical roles in immune system activation against infections. There is no doubt that Immunity is core. Core to Immunity is ensuring a regular maintenance of the microbiome. Not only in the mouth but so too in the body. Starting in the gut, and your gut starts with the oral cavity in reality.
They go on to explain “the cytokine combination of IL-8 and CXCL1 was previously shown in multiple studies. This was done to induce the spread of cancer cells. However, Slade and his team believe this is the first example of a tumour-associated bacterium producing this distinct cytokine combination. These cytokines are released by infected cells. They can talk back to the same cell. Resulting in those signals can be sent out to other cancer cells including immune cells. Therefore various other cell types that surround a tumour can receive these signals. In essence, one infected cell could be affecting multiple neighbouring cells. There doesn’t have to be a widespread infection within a tumour for it to be influencing a large surrounding area.” By reducing these
In essence, a compromised Immune response has no ability to counter-attack the process in its various stages of attack. The very thing that it was designed to do in a healthy individual!! They mention that “IL-8 and CXCL1 contributing to cellular migration or metastasis. They are also potent immune cell attractants, which can lead to inflammation. Inflammation is a hallmark of cancer. The attraction and subsequent infection of immune cells known as neutrophils and macrophages by F-nucleatum could in turn lead to additional pro-cancerous proteins being released. The more we learn about cancer in a compromised body (which might take years to get to!) the more we earlier we can get to the next step of looking for a cure. All the research that has gone into the the cause of cancer can only help find the cure.
Sourced: Science Signalling Provided by Virginia Tech;
So, Going Back to Basics!
We, at Imsyser do not say we cure cancers, and or rule or regulate oral microbiome or body microbiome to cure cancers, micro-organisms; but what we do at Imsyser Health is ensuring awareness. From there we assist with helping understand that our actions now are the direct connecting of what happens next. So taking care of our health before something happens is important. It is undeniably true that you are what you eat and think. This is the same when it comes to our immune. What goes in our bodies is very important. Some things your body can manage to flush out what is not needed and other you might need help with. It is essential to use pro and pre biotics to assist your body meet the balance that is necessary.
Managing your very best Immunity and micro-organisms now is not just about boosting it but quite the opposite. This was what we were made to believe in the past. It is about getting the right balance. At Imsyser we supply all your healthy essential wholefood nutritional needs whilst managing the level of internal toxicity. This is to ensure your Immune System has the ability to focus on doing what it was designed to do. Lets work on it to prevent it from getting compromised.
At Imsyser we have the products to serve you best. Our products will help you attain and maintain this by keeping your focus on Micro-organisms. Our Nutritional products are from wholefood sources and a few ‘detox’ products. They help you to gently assist your body in getting rid of any waste, ensuring internal balance. To add to that it assist in giving you good sleep. All you need to add to the equation is to have a little sunlight, a little exercise, enough water and good thoughts. Nature will help your body sort the rest naturally.
Its not what we do which is manufacturing health products, but how we do it; The approach we take makes all the difference. We share because we care. It is that simple. Keep focus on micro-organisms. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. You can call us on the number below or visit our site. Your health is our concern and we are here to help improve it. We have a range of products to help with your health. Let us assist on improving your health with our products. Call us 086 010 3859 or simply click here:
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