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Sugar is an addictive drug. It is a poison and has no place in the diet of a human being.
1. Sugar is the number one addiction in society today — it is as addictive as cocaine and heroin.
2. Sugar impacts the brain in the same manner as alcohol and hard drugs like cocaine.
3. It is a major cause of depression, mood swings, anxiety disorders, OCD, hyperactivity and/or attention deficit, mania, and most mental health disorders
4. Sugar weakens your immune system
5. It impairs cognitive functioning and memory
6. Causes obesity or unwanted weight gain
7. Is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
8. Sugar, not fat, is the primary factor in the development of heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure
9. Creates nutritional deficiencies
10. Impairs the nervous system
11. Is a leading cause of insomnia and sleep disturbances
12. Can cause gallstones, kidney stones and appendicitis
13. Disrupts the friendly flora in the gastrointestinal tract
14. Is a major cause of acne
15. It results in a fatty liver, which leads to poor liver functioning and even end-stage liver disease
16. Makes the body too acidic
17. Triggers outbursts of anger, aggression and even violence
18. Leads to hypoglycemia
19. Destroys the endocrine system and deletes the adrenal glands
20. Sugar disrupts neurotransmitter functioning
21. Leads to cancer — cancer cells love sugar
22. Impairs the colon
23. Can cause blood clots
24. Disrupts the gastrointestinal tract and results in numerous GI disorders like indigestion, heart burn etc.
25. Triggers asthma attacks
26. A frequent cause of headaches and migraines
27. Plays a significant part in eating disorders
28. Sugar puts excessive stress on the bodie’s organs and systems
29. Throws hormones out of balance
30. Impairs concentration and problem solving abilities
31. Makes you irritable, edgy, jittery
32. Can be a root factor in Crohn’s, irritable bowel, colitis, hemorrhoids and other bowel disorders
33. Contributes to intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut
34. Disrupts the metabolic system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, gastrointestinal system and immune system
35. Is one of the major causes of Candida over-growth
36. Sugar is a root instigator and perpetuator of compulsive overeating and food addiction
37. Disrupts spiritual health and feelings of well-being
38. A frequent cause of arthritis and joint pain
39. Can trigger autoimmune diseases like MS, rheumatoid, etc.
40. A root cause of inflammation
41. Impairs your ability to handle stress
42. Disturbs peace of mind and interferes with meaning and purpose in life
43. Sugar addiction is the gateway drug that leads to addiction to alcohol and harder drugs
44. Contributes to osteoporosis
45. Damages the kidneys and pancreas
46. May result in premature aging
47. Is a primary cause of Gout
48. Impairs digestion
49. Can weaken eyesight
50. It leads to tooth decay and periodontal disease
The negative effects of sugar on both mind, body and sprit are so profound, that by making this one single change of cutting sugar from your diet there can be powerful and immediate improvements in physical, emotional and spiritual health.
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