Are you sure the Water you use is able to do that?
Let’s Focus on S.A.’s Water Facts –
Raindrops travel through :
-Uncontrolled Sewage
-Human Excrement
-Agricultural Chemical Waste
Which Means that;
Polluted Air (Acid Rain) :
-Bacterial Contamination from livestock
-Industrial Toxic Waste
-Radio Active acid Mine drainage
What about our Water ?
Do you REALLY know what you are drinking today?
S.A. ‘s Water Today:
1.Dams & Rivers 77%
2.Underground Water (borehole) 9%
3.Sewage 14%
Sewage Plants
-Due to the lack of funds in the municipalities, sewage plants are poorly maintained resulting SA’s dams to be increasingly contaminated with sewage
-The Vaal and other dams are heavily contaminated by human excrement due to sewage that is not adequately treated at MOST of the 850 Sewage Plants in S.A.
–A Green Drop Report by the Dept of Water Affairs states that only 7% of our sewage plants comply with international standards
-Dysfunctional sewage works produce Phosphates and Nitrates and these nutrients cause the blooming of Cyanobacteria which produce a toxic substance called Microcystin (similar to Rinkhals venom) resulting in many health risks including Cancer
-A 2008 CSIR study found Cyanobacterial blooms in most reservoir systems due to prevailing high levels of Eutrophication caused by inadequate treatment of domestic and industrial effluents discharged into their catchments
Microcystin Benchmark:
1.Finland’s worst case +- 10 ug/1
2.USA’s worst case +- 60 ug/1
3.SA’s is currently at 10 000 ug/1
Report April 2012 by Department of Water Affairs states the following:
“Only 40 of the country’s 826 Water Purification Plants function properly!”
Un-Metabolised ARV’s & Birth Control Medication
–Un-metabolized ARV’s (HIV/AIDS medication) are Carcogenic (cancer causing). It is not fully metabolised and ends up in our drinking water
–Un-metabolized Contraseptive Medication in human sewage has Endocrine disrupting capabilities causing newborn babies with urogenital defects and it causes decreased fertility
–Municipal purification can’t remove these and neither are they required to rest for it’s presence
Acid Mine Drainage
-Municipal purification methods does not include purification of Acid Mine Drainage, neither are Municipalities required to test for their presence
-Cancer causing Acid Mine Drainage is freely allowed in SA’s water sources
–Cancer causing Uranium in SA’s water far exceeds 15 mch/l stipulated by the World Health Organisation CAncer causing levels start from 40mcg/l
–SA’s TAP WATER IS SET at 70 mcg/l
Experts’ Opinions on SA Water
Dr Frank Winde – North West University
“We should acknowledge that our Uranium levels in the water are WAY ABOVE what they should be, and that something should be done! The Dept of Water Affairs do not require the Uranium levels in water to be tested”
Mariette Lieferink – CEO FSE (Federation for Sustainable Environment)
“Waste from gold mines constitutes the largest single source of waste and pollution in SA and there is wide acceptance that Acid Mine Drainage is responsible for the most costly environmental and socio-economic impacts. The truth has been staring at us for a long time … the pages of scientists”
Professor Carl Albrecht – Main researcher of the Cancer Association of South Africa
“SA’s standard for uranium deposits in water is 70 microgram per litre which is bizarre high. The World Health Organizations’ standard is 15 microgram per litre. Surely it is irresponsible to differ so largely from the world standard”
Marius Keet – Regional Director Department of Water Affairs
“Pollution of rivers by raw sewage is probably affecting most rivers in SA. The biggest problem in the Vaal is not the metals but Nitrates and Phosphates which is very Costly and difficult to extract!”
Dr Peter Ashton – CSIR
“The water in many of the country’s dams is becoming more enriched with, Sewage, Industrial Waste, Mining Waste, Agricultural return flows, garbage, and seepage from the waste dumps which is slowly gradually, building up over time. This makes it more and more difficult for water treatment companies to take raw water, treat it and supply to people to drink industries to use.”
Dr Anthony Turton – Vice President of the International Water Resource Association
“Because waste Water Treatment Plants aren’t functioning properly thousands of tons of raw sewage are being discharged into rivers, some of which flow into the Vaal River which is 87% of Gauteng’s tap water SA’s major dams and rivers are contaminated with toxin levels that are among the highest in the world!”
Dr Jo Barnes – Epidemiologist University of Stellenbosch
“We are not very good at protecting the low-level, long-term uranium exposure. If you contract little bits of every day for 5 years, 10 years, 20 years… you will see a drastic rise in cancers. We have to start preparing now.”
Natural Water Sources
Instead of MINERALS it Contains :
– Biological toxins
– E.Coli
– Chemical toxins
– Endocrine Disruptor’s
– Radio-Active Uranium Isotopes
– Heavy Metals
– Some minerals
Tap Water
Instead of MINERALS tap water contains:
– Chlorine
– Aluminium Sulphate
– Biological toxins
– Chemical toxins
– Endocrine Disruptor’s
– Heavy Metals
– Radio-Active Uranium
– Some minerals
Carbon & Other Water Filters
Instead of MINERALS it Contains:
– Chemical toxins
– Endocrine disruptor’s
– Radio-Active Uranium
– Heavy Metals
– Some minerals
Reverse Osmosis
Clean Water:
– Demineralised water
– No electrolytes
– “Dead & Hungry Water”
(DEAD – no minerals poor electrical Impulses)
(HUNGRY – absorbs your body’s minerals)
causes clogging of red blood cells to sludge through your body
Unhealthy red blood cells:
– Stacked together
– Decreased Oxygen intake
– Dehydration
– Fatique

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