Sharing with “Natural News” : Probiotics remain completely ignored….
What’s really astonishing in all this is the delusional belief that only Big Pharma can “discover” new drugs that kill these drug-resistant bacteria. In all of western medicine, there is never any discussion of the all-important role of probiotics in establishing healthy gut flora, thereby crowding out the dangerous strains. If “anti” biotics are the problem, then “pro” biotics are the solution.
It is absolutely astonishing that modern medicine refuses to advocate probiotics, and it reveals how the entire system of modern medicine remains stuck in a 1940’s mentality where the body was a “battleground” and medicines were “weapons” to be unleashed against “the enemy.”
This delusional metaphor is what has driven the failed system of modern medicine for nearly a century, and it’s the reason superbugs and antibiotics have reached a point of such insanity that the entire population is now threatened with the possibility of a runaway global pandemic.
The medical system also doesn’t understand synergistic phytonutrients and how a concert of plant-based chemicals work together in ways that are far more powerful than any one isolated chemical could ever be. Big Pharma is always looking for the next great isolated molecule but can never embrace the idea that isolated chemicals are always less effective and more dangerous than full-spectrum phytochemicals from the natural world. (A drug can never be as powerful as a plant, because a drug doesn’t have the phytonutrient complexity of a plant.)
Eliminating gram-negative superbugs from the gut of a patient is easy if you aren’t medically ignorant (i.e. trained in medical school). Simply embracing the power of antibacterial superfoods like garlic — combined with the health-protective powers of probiotics — yields phenomenal results. Food choice also impacts gut health (obviously), yet doctors rarely talk to their patients about what they should eat. Somehow, modern medicine has isolated food choice from health outcomes, creating a truly delusional health care system in which patients are treated with deadly chemicals rather than food as medicine.
This is what got us to this crisis in the first place: doctors functioning as chemical pushers… and patients surrendering their personal power to the failed medical system.
Why humanity’s superbug crisis can’t be solved with chemicals
To get out of this crisis, we can’t approach it with the same type of thinking that caused the problem in the first place. This isn’t a situation that can be solved with “another chemical.” This is going to require transcending the failed age of chemical medicine and embracing the factors of healthy gut flora — and that has everything to do with diet, supplements, superfoods, etc.
When it comes to superbugs and medicine, we are living in an age of outright, runaway insanity that has infected nearly all the doctors, hospitals, drug companies and health authorities. Unless they wake up and finally recognize the error of their ways, this situation is only going to spiral into an ever-expanding crisis that may soon lead to a runaway superbug plague.
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