Burnout is so much more that just that it is the sum total that leads to adrenal failure which in turn leads to hormonal imbalances and especially Thyroid issues!
We always try and tell our clients to start at basics! For more on natural alternative to take as opposed to Eltroxin and many other s call our HO 086 010 3859 for an amazing referral to help prevent and treat this adrenal burnout ,now becoming a scaring statistics with very, very young girls. Here is how it works…. Sharing:
” If one remains in fight or flight mode for an extended period of time, the body begins to break down and it results in burnout, also known as dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system or dysautonomia, which can then lead to many debilitating conditions like high blood pressure, sleep disorders, addiction, impaired mental health, endocrine disorders, fatigue, chemical sensitivities and more.
Chronic stress results in an event called cortisol steal. When you are under stress, you need very high levels of cortisol, because it is the hormone that the body uses to cope with stress. The precursors that are needed to make cortisol are also the precursors that are needed to make all other hormones. Since the body cannot survive without cortisol, it will use up all the precursors to make cortisol, which means there will not be enough left over for important hormones like DHEA, aldosterone, progesterone, and testosterone. This may lead to insufficiency in these hormones and a river of problems like PMS, breast cancer, anxiety, fibroids, fertility issues, mood swings, weight gain, osteoporosis and many others.
However, the adrenal glands may have a hard time keeping up with the demand for cortisol and DHEA and adrenal fatigue may develop. Adrenal insufficiency then results in a sea of other issues like chronic fatigue, exhaustion, insomnia, weight gain, anxiety disorders, food cravings, blood sugar issues, thyroid disorders and much more.
You also need very high levels of neurotransmitters when you are under stress, because they are also used to regulate the stress response system and return us to our preferred parasympathetic state. As a matter of fact, having a healthy brain is key for keeping sympathetic stress in check. If stress is persistent, then it drains all your neurotransmitter reserves.
Neurotransmitters are critical for governing pretty much everything in the body, but especially important for mental health, cognitive function and memory. Thus chronic stress may lead to drug and alcohol addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, attention deficit, impaired cognitive function and any other type of mental health disorder.
When you are under stress, epinephrine triggers the liver to release its glycogen (sugar) into the blood stream, because a lot of energy is needed during times of stress. This means if stress is chronic, that there is a high level of sugar in the blood stream all the time, which provokes an insulin response, storage of fat, inflammation, cravings for carbs and may cause or exacerbate conditions like insulin resistance, hyperinsulinism, type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, sugar and carb addiction, compulsive overeating, candida overgrowth and more.
Your need for nutrients also increases when you are under stress, because it will burn up your nutrients very fast. Nutrients are needed for every organ and system in the body to function properly and for the production and function of neurotransmitters in the brain. If you aren’t eating a good diet, then you may not have many nutrients available to begin with, which actually causes even more stress. Significant nutritional deficiencies may also develop.
The digestive system is another system that is hit hard by burnout, because it is the first system to be shut down when stress occurs, to conserve energy. Digestive enzymes, bile, and peristalsis are inhibited. If there is chronic stress, then digestion will be impaired indefinitely, which can lead to a wide variety of gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders.
It’s important to keep in mind that when digestion is impaired, then food will not be broken down adequately, which means nutrients will not be absorbed properly, and that can lead to less nutrients being available to run the brain and body and build neurotransmitters, and this may also contribute to nutritional deficiencies.
On the spiritual level, it is easy to see how the effects of burnout can impede your ability to experience inner peace, a fulfilling life and reach higher levels of consciousness, engage in self-discovery, or achieve your fullest potential as a man or woman.
Some other common conditions to result from chronic stress include, but are not limited to, weakened immunity, high blood pressure, panic attacks, cardiovascular and circulation problems, auto-immune disorders, hyperactivity, attention deficit, eating disorders, back and head aches, ulcers, cynicism, anger management or rage issues, violence, unexplained nausea, overactive bladder and even cancer. Furthermore, any other condition you can think of will be exacerbated with high levels of stress.
Is your health suffering from chronic burnout? You can find out with a simple, non-invasive, do it yourself, at-home saliva test.By measuring your cortisol levels, you can determine to what extent your health is being impacted by stress and thus know which interventions might be helpful for your circumstance.
If this vicious cycle continues indefinitely, there is a ripple effect on the rest of the body. Eventually all systems and organs may become impacted and begin to deteriorate, which means more and more symptoms and conditions will develop over time.”
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