Firstly, one of the key aspects of IMSYSER MICROBIAL PROBIOTIC LIQUID is its role, in the human body. It assists in the assimilation of nutrition and processing of metabolites. This is vital for survival and health. For this reason, the effects of IMSYSER MICROBIAL PROBIOTIC LIQUID are very often miraculous. Having this is good for consumers who live most of their life with nutritional deficiencies. not to mention the number of body problems that any strata of society is susceptible to: indigestion, cholera, IBS, TB, hypertension, acne, fungal growths, pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, strep throat to name just a few Pre and Pro-biotic.
Secondly, Modern day auto-immune dis-eases ALL stem from gut discrepancies associated with nutritional mal-absorption. However also toxic overload encrusted into the intestinal walls causing blockages, constipation and more importantly mal-absorption. With the formulation of Imsyser microbial Probiotic Liquid those who suffer from the above illnesses. Therefore this probiotic is quite popular.
Thirdly, technology also allows for the use of different combinations of herbs and juices. This is in the fermentation of the product. This means that companies marketing and distributing the products have the option of targeting multiple sectors of the health market. People use well known products which can assist in:
- General nutritional supplementation
- Stomach & colon & overall gut health
- IBS treatment or preventative gut health
- Diarrhoea treatment or preventative
- Natural Energy Supplementation
- Digestive aid and nutritional uptake enhancing with Digestive enzymes
- Natural Electrolyte replacement
- Fungal & Candida control with live micromes to counter bacterial imbalances
- Suitable and safe as a Kids’ pro-biotic
- Suitable and safe as a Baby’s pro-biotic
- Immune Boosting & Stabilizing
technology has the potential to have a massive impact on the people of South Africa as what will be the only naturally fermented multi-class herbal pro-biotic product in the country. Pre and Pro-biotic. Targeted areas to sell IMSYSER PRO-BIOTIC LIQUID products. Establishing itself firmly in every sector of human health. Especially with rampant pandemic of Covid-19. The protection after exposure of Immunity remains core as well as improving throat and oral microbiome as your first immune defense. A simple gargle morning and night is all that is required. The reason is to counteract any unwanted organisms and or deal with a scratchy irritated throat. Pre and Pro-biotic
A truly uniquely developed product that is Nappi coded. It can be used for the whole family, quite affordably compared to many 5 day tablet treatment options. Moreover it only serve a certain, section of the gut and a certain age category.
For more on this amazing product call 086 010 3859 This product is available country-wide in most pharmacies or visit www.imsyser.co.za for more on this amazing product.

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