Sharing Health tips on the Importance of pH And It’s Critical Role In The Prevention Of Cancer and most diseases…..
pH(hydrogen ion concentration) is measured on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7.35 being neutral (normal), below 7.35 is acidic (with 0 being the most acidic) and above 7.35 is alkaline (with 14 being the most alkaline.
The pH varies over 14 powers of 10, thus a change of one pH unit changes the pH by a factor of 10. The pH scale is a common logarithmic scale. For those of you who never liked math, what this means is that a substance which has a pH of 5.2 is 10 times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 6.2, while it is 100 (10 squared) times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 7.2, and it is 1,000 (10 cubed) times more acidic than a substance with a pH of 8.2, etc…
Our blood must always maintain a pH of approximately 7.35 so that it can continue to transport oxygen. Thus, God has made our bodies resilient with the ability to self-correct in the event of an imbalanced pH level through a mechanism called the buffer system. However, the Western diet being full of junk foods, fast foods, processed foods, and sodas, puts the body through “the ringer” in order to maintain the proper pH in the blood. Although our bodies typically maintain alkaline reserves which are utilized to buffer acids in these situations, it is safe to say that many of us have depleted our reserves.
When our buffering system reaches overload and we are depleted of reserves, the excess acids are dumped into the tissues. As more and more acid is accumulated, our tissues begin to deteriorate. The acid wastes oxidize (“rust”) the veins and arteries and begin to destroy cell walls and organs. According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, as the blood becomes acidic, the body deposits acidic substances into cells to remove them from the blood. This allows the blood to remain slightly alkaline. However, it causes the cells to become acidic and toxic. Over time, many of these cells increase in acidity and some die. However, some of these acidified cells adapt to the new environment. In other words, instead of dying (as normal cells do in an acidic environment) some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called “malignant” cells, and they do not correspond with brain function or the DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is Cancer.
So, what other things can we do to keep our tissue pH in the proper range? The easiest thing is to eat mostly alkaline foods. The general rule of thumb is to eat 20% acid foods and 80% alkaline foods. Adding fresh lemon, the only acid fruit that has the ability to neutralise acids inside the body, to your daily intake of at least 2 Litres of GOOD LIVING WATER.
You can take supplements, such as potassium, cesium, magnesium, calcium, and rubidium, which are all highly alkaline.
Some excellent alkaline-forming foods are as follows: most raw vegetables, certain fruits, figs, lima beans, olive oil, honey, molasses, apple cider vinegar, miso, tempeh, raw milk, raw cheese, stevia, green tea, most herbs, sprouted grains, sprouts, wheat grass, and barley grass.
Foods such as yogurt, kefir, and butter are basically neutral. A daily dose of a good probiotic is a sure way of maintaining a regular healthy pH.
Acid-forming foods to avoid are: sodas, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, tobacco, aspartame, meats, oysters, fish, eggs, chicken, pasteurized milk, processed grains, sugar etc.
You are the master of your own ‘imput’ and that will be your ‘output’!! You are what you eat. I would imagine without a doubt this would be a very crucial aspect of the holistic approach to your own health. Your overall health is dependent on this and you most certainly will achieve no effective weight-loss or cancer prevention if these basic rules are not heeded.
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