Growing Proportion of Older People Fuels the Growth of daily Probiotic Market
The number of older people is on the rise in Africa. The aged population is expected to reach to 226 million by 2050 from 69 million in 2017. This trend of rapid rise in the elderly population. It leads to an increase in the number of patients suffering from chronic diseases. Most needing medical support. Amidst the rising toxicity from the air we breathe to the products we use on our skin. Daily Probiotic can help.
Unfortunately, there is a higher costs for healthcare and drugs and increase in the demand for self-care products. Also there has been an increased on the awareness for going natural products. Finally the classically pill popping seems to serve no one any longer. Pill popping might alleviate an acute dis-eased state but does not render a long term healing. Natural Products help the body naturally come back into alignment with support of your own Immunity. This happens without adding toxic load in the process of healing.
Undeniably, and, “Hallelujah” for that, the move and awareness back to natural health is happening. Going back to basics to secure your own body becomes your very best defense is slowly becoming the new norm. Probiotics is leading the pack in the level of awareness for a daily supplement to aid the health process.
Age and Your Gut
Age-related changes in human gut flora can have adverse health outcomes. Furthermore, products containing probiotics have been shown to have beneficial effects on these changes. A large proportion of the elderly are increasing the demand for products that can contribute to higher levels of well-being. Including a better quality of life. These are, namely a good bio-available, bio-active, live, pre and probiotic like with the Imsyser brand. Firstly, the Imsyser probiotic is easy to use. Secondly, it is in a liquid format. Finally you can take it as it is, or added to a little water or juice. This is favorable especially in a “aged society” where pill popping is becoming a no-no. Even those compromised ages prefer to do a liquid intake.
There is no denying that the combined effect of Gut and Immune support ensures optimal health. This is not only attained but also maintained daily, 100% naturally. It all starts in the gut, your healthiest Immunity through that and most importantly the highest support to your Microbiome not only in the gut, but more specifically as supported through hormonal activity, as you get older, as well as brain health support.
Everyone knows all brain health is motivated through a healthy gut. Studies are now proving the movement of messaging from the gut to the brain via your good healthy bacteria along the Vagus nerve. Good Gut health helps in prevention against Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s etc. You now need look no further than your very best probiotic for mental support and that would include even Depression.
The Imsyser Advantage
At Imsyser we care about our client’s health. What we do is not different, how we do it, however, is what makes us different. Our products are unique. They are 100% natural. Our products are safe to use for all ages. What makes them unique is that they were developed to support the body’s own natural defence system. Which is your Immunity, through effective gut health.
Imsyser offers a new approach in a market trend that is fast becoming the No.1 trend of the century!! Being liquid and raw you cannot get a Probiotic any closer to its Natural state:
- that scientific studies have proven we just cannot do without any longer!!
- it restores vital bacteria no longer provided by modern diet!!
- providing natural bacteria needed for good health and growth in adults and children!!
- that regulates and aids sensitive digestive tracts and digestive orders!!
It is a fact that the role and importance of bacteria in human health has been grossly underestimated and generally misunderstood by members of the public, as well as many in the medical fraternity. This brief overview will help to provide a vital understanding of bacteria in its relationship to the human body, and how the handling of bacteria alone opens the door to a new era in human health.
All our gut and immune support products are available country-wide and ready for the export market. For more on this amazing product range and all the ‘added-value’ services inclusive of online support and education call 086 010 3859 or simply click here:

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