Firstly, apart from during childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause, the absence of the menstrual period may indicate a problem. Indicators may identify that there is a problem with the reproductive system. One of the most common causes of amenorrhea is hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events. These events may include diseases of the reproductive organs, extreme weight loss, emotional stress or over-exercising. Natural remedies can deal with these issues.
Natural Plant Remedies
Secondly, home natural remedies for amenorrhea include the use of various herbs and substances. These substances are easily available from most health outlets. I would like to ensure my first choice is just using a natural wholefood supplement like the Imsyser Tabs. Imsyser tablets uses medicinal whole plants to ensure all your optimal essential mineral, amino acid, vitamin and omega supplies are met. Furthermore it also ensures the availability of plant sterols. Not forgetting sterolins that may help balance hormones.
Thirdly, for most plant healing versus chemical approaches. Please remember that these take a little longer to prove results. However, this is because the plants goes to work in the body and produce the necessary results. Consequently, the wait however is always worth it. And counters the negative effect of the chemical route. Above all done by dealing with other side effects. By doing that it improves health in all other areas. In addition, some include hair colour from grey back to its original colour. All in all Including woman falling pregnant with the help of the Imsyser range. However, plant medicinal support might be sort by:
Angelica Sinensis:
Angelica Sinensis traditionally, used in labour problems. Another key point Delayed birth can be an example. As well in the removal of the placenta after birth. That is to say, root of Angelica also used in relieving from amenorrhea. Recent scientific research at the University Of Messina, Italy did a research on Angelica. As a matter of fact meanwhile it proved that Angelica has significant effect on gynaecological problems in women. Similarly especially with amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
Blue Cohosh:
Secondly, Blue Cohosh is a plant. Mostly used in traditional medicine. Ayurveda-style throughout the world. Certainly, blue cohosh is a very good uterine. Be that as it may menstruation stimulant as well. Its phytochemical calulopsonin provides stimulation for blood flow in the pelvic region. However, recent scientific study on blue cohosh indicates that it really has the potential to cure amenorrhea and other gynaecological diseases.
Dill weed:
Dill weed is herbal plant. Used traditionally both as medicine and also in cooking. For instance women who do not have regular periods can take dill and can have periods on a regular basis. Anything to enhance breast milk, dill was the key.
False Unicorn:
False unicorn is traditional herb. Very often used as a medicine for women’s gynaecological health. For example people believed that false unicorn has infertility curing properties. Recent scientific study proved that false unicorn indeed has some infertility curing properties.
Lemon balm:
Lemon balm is a herb. Used historically in the treatment of amenorrhea. Lemon balm promotes menstrual cycle and eases menstrual cramps. Helpful with migrants and headaches. Research on lemon balm indicated the centuries old claims were actually true.
Sweet fennel:
So Sweet fennel is an herb which has a good effect in stimulating menstrual cycle. Very effective in premenstrual syndrome. It helps in maintaining optimum fluid balance in the body.
Trigonella is a one-stop solution. For many problems faced by women. The problems are related to menstrual cycle and reproduction.
Chasteberry is one herb that provides balance of hormones in the body. Especially those related to oestrogen and progesterone hormones. Hormonal balance is very important in correcting the menstrual cycle. The balance of hormones that chasteberry provides has a role to play in fertility in women.
Tomato Juice:
Tomato is another fruit that helps in treating amenorrhea. Taking tomato juice daily has its benefits. Even Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of traditional medicine recommends the intake of tomatoes as a remedy for amenorrhea.
This spice has been traditionally used as a cure for different ailments, one of them being amenorrhea. A report submitted at Alexandria University in Egypt had found that adolescent girls were using spices and herbs. It is believed that these spices help in the treatment of amenorrhea. Cinnamon is one of the spices that were used.
Finally, Saffron is an antioxidant believed to act as a toxin flushing agent in the body. Start by boiling a pinch of saffron in water. Next cool it down and take the water all day. In conclusion Saffron mix is believed to help a lot.
Take your time to find your healthiest solution and try our natural remedies. Do it with health advise. And start by taking out the obvious stressors as mentioned right in the beginning of this article. This is for your healthiest approach going forward. Imsyser tablets can be used and should be used as a daily maintenance. The tablets can be used for all ages, male and female, for all your essential health. Simply call 086 010 3859 or click here:

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