During winter the earth’s energy is withdrawn back into herself. It is a time of rest, storing and preparation. Rest from the bounty of the autumnal harvest and preparation for the vitality of the coming spring. This is a time of being grounded, internalised and still. The weather is cold and a form of hibernation is “ok”!!
◾Sleeping late in winter is fine – rise with the sun.
◾Hold some warm sesame oil in your mouth for a few minutes. This sounds strange but it has a wonderfully nourishing effect on the mouth, strengthens the teeth and stops bleeding and receding gums.
◾Massage yourself with warm sesame oil. Sesame oil is energetically warming and can be beneficial to every constitution at this time of year. This can offset the seasonal tendency of cold and aching joints.
◾Rinse the oil off in a hot shower.
◾Drink a cup of warm water to which you can add fresh grated root ginger & lemon. This relaxes the digestive system, enkindles the appetite and encourages a healthy bowel movement.
◾Dynamic exercise during the cold months is most beneficial. Enjoy a brisk early morning walk, or vigorous exercises.
◾Your winter diet can consist of warm cooked foods that are mildly spicy, slightly salty and nourishing. The digestive fibre is usually stronger in winter as the colder weather constricts the surface of the body and pushes the heat back in to the centre of the digestive system.
◾Breakfast can be a bowl of porridge oats or barley. Add some cinnamon, cloves and honey. Honey is heating and drying which helps to clear mucous.
◾Lunch and supper can be wholesome meals avoiding too many cold, wet and damp foods that are excessively sweet or from the fridge or freezer – root vegetable soups, casseroles and grains. Drink spicy teas throughout the day.
◾Increase your omega 3 oil intake during the cold and dry winter months. Every single cellular function in the body needs quality omega oils (3,6,9). Nuts and seeds, as well as flaxseed oil are good sources of essential fatty acids.
◾After a day of hard work settle in for a relaxing evening. An occasional glass of warming wine may be beneficial in winter to encourage circulation and stimulate digestion!
◾Then it’s off to bed with a delicious glass of hot spicy milk. Nutmeg is a very calming herb that promotes sound sleep and can be added to your milk.
Allow the 100% natural difference of the Imsyser Immune System Stabiliser Tabs to support a health Immune functioning throughout this winter and keep you optimally energised throughout.
Visit us @ www.imsyser.co.za for more on our amazing products.
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