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Modern Day Chronic Bloating Shouldn’t Be A Way Of Life

Modern Day Chronic Bloating Shouldn’t Be a Way of Life Many people who live with digestive problems think it’s normal to feel unwell most of the time, but it’s not. That gastrointestinal distress be it cramping & or bloating is your body’s way of saying your gut needs some attention. ALL health lies in the…


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Imsyser Probiotics

Modern Day Chronic Bloating Shouldn’t Be a Way of Life

Many people who live with digestive problems think it’s normal to feel unwell most of the time, but it’s not. That gastrointestinal distress be it cramping & or bloating is your body’s way of saying your gut needs some attention. ALL health lies in the gut and if you are dealing with health issues you had better look at the gut TODAY.

 No More Bloating

Although this sounds easy it is a lifestyle changing process and I managed well in this capacity should produce daily good results. It is all about establishing a health happy back to ‘BALANCE’ norm. This is what the Imsyser products were designed to do.

Imsyser healh Products to the Rescue

Imsyser Health Products is dedicated to the process of assisting our clients in achieving body ‘BALANCE’ by means of a simple 3 – step, 100 % Natural health product kit designed to assist in not only ‘dis-ease’ prevention but in a process of obtaining optimal Immune and Gut Health. In achieving this state of HOMEOSTASIS = BALANCE,  the body may brought into alignment to assist ITSELF in maintaining GOOD health in all its functionalities, the way it was naturally designed to do. It’s that simple.

Fortunately, most belly complaints are reasonably easy to treat – and doing so will help flatten your stomach, boost your Energy and Immunity, and improve your digestion. So this 4 step process is a lifestyle process:

  • Remove the things that can trigger trouble and encourage the growth of bad bacteria, such as dairy, sugar, gluten, soy and certain prescription drugs. Your gut is your best indicator and by now usually the very thing that causes the aggravation is your warning sign.
  • Replenish the digestive enzymes you may lack to ensure complete digestion. Imsyser to the rescue, 100 % naturally available digestive enzymes in a live fermented probiotic brew .
  • Re-inoculate with pre & probiotics to reintroduce and restore the balance of “good” bacteria in your gut, 100 % naturally – All 12 strains.
  • Repair the gut with appropriate nutrients, so it can heal and strengthen itself with more Immunity and less inflammation.

Imsyser Pre&Probiotic Liquid designed to ensure good maintenance of the gut health, to be taken preferably daily, and thereby also assisting optimal Immune health is ensured. This is a uniquely designed 12 STRAIN liquid Probiotic (500 ml; and once opened lasts 1 – 2 months) with a symbiotic relationship of the prebiotics and digestive enzymes needed to assist in & mimic natural gut behaviour. Can be taken as is or in a little juice. Works from the mouth all the way through to the lowest end of gut, where most probiotics in tablet form do not perform. These unique Probiotics needed for the extreme ends of the digestive tract and as found in most pharmacies cannot be dried-freezed to go into a tablet or capsule form. Therefore, Imsyser is a truly amazing product, unique in its design, and instantly effective from the mouth right through to the lowest end of the digestive tract. The 100 % natural probiotic solution for support of most gut (and Immune) conditions

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