How to do meaningful, healthy, long-term changes for your body
- Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Always drink water BEFORE meals and at least 30 minutes after a meal. Never during or directly after a meal.
- Reverse Osmosis Water is the best as it also takes out all the hormones in water causing Cancer and many other ailments. Filtering does not purify water sufficiently.
- Drink the juice of ½ a freshly squeezed lemon in a mug of boiled water, but cooled to drinkable warmth, early in the morning on an empty stomach.
- NEVER use margarine or butter spreads. Only use butter.
- For cooking purposes you may only use: Butter, Coconut Oil or Grape Seed Oil.
- Use Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil on Salads – do not cook with it.
- NEVER use Skimmed or Low Fat milk, yoghurt or cheese. Only use Full Cream milk, or use Cream. You are only allowed Double Cream Greek Yoghurt (unsweetened). Be careful of Dairy Belle, Clover & Woolworths Double Cream Greek Yoghurt which contains 7 or 8gm carbohydrate per 100ml whereas other brands such as the Spar brand contain 4gm and 5gm respectively. Read labels.
- Do NOT use sugar or sweeteners, except Stevia Sweet.
- You may NEVER feel hungry! Eat every 2 – 4 hours small portions. Try to have your last meal or snack no later than 18:30. Try not to go to bed less than 4 hours after dinner.
- You MUST eat breakfast within an hour from waking.
- NO starch, flour, wheat, bran, oats, pastries, muesli, bran, sugar, sweets or chocolates, cold drinks (including diet cold drinks), fruit or vegetable juices, preservatives, or colourants of any kind are allowed!
- No batter or bread crumbs on fish, chicken, etc.
- NO fast foods, tinned or preserved foods are allowed, except for tuna or sardines in brine, biltong and dry wors. Go careful on tuna (mercury!).
- NEVER eat corn or wheat or any of their products like mealie pap, bread, cakes, muffins, pasta, etc, because all corn and wheat are genetically modified (GMO).
- Maximum 3 cups of coffee or black tea with Stevia Sweet (if you need to sweeten it) and full cream milk (or cream) is allowed per day. No black coffee is allowed – it makes the body acidic.
- You may drink as much green tea, rooibos tea or herbal teas with or without lemon juice – no milk.
- No cold drinks of any kind – no Zero, Diet or any fizzy or not-fizzy cold drinks, and no Sparkling or Soda water
- No fruit juices
- Diet = GO GREEN.
- Sleep enough
- Allow a healthy Spiritual alignment & rest.
- Enough sunlight
In Conclusion
enjoy life! make it worthwhile by applying life-giving principles for healthy living
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