Imsyser’s new journey to Kenya…
We at Imsyser are privilege to introduce our product range to Kenya this year. Dianne has the opportunity to go with DTI. Imsyser has been already exposed to Australia, Russia, Africa and many more as well as South Africa. Africa is her calling- healing and health for all. She is involved in various projects. With the sole design of making a difference in the lives of those she’s privileged to touch.
Our unique 3 Core products…
Imsyser Deep Intestinal Cleanse
Imsysers’ Deep Intestinal Cleanse (150 g powder) is a very unique formulation of 100 % natural herbs & fibre (Psyllium husks) to gently soften, assist in loosening and then removal of old, toxic impacted mucoidal build-up(plaque) within the intestinal lining. This often putrid impaction would normally prevent good nutrition by-passing our digestive intestinal lining into our body and so too, waste from by-passing this same layer out of the body again.
This is crucial first step in the process of detoxing and natural preparation of the gut to optimal balance and efficiency for the rest of the bodily functions.
Imsyser 12 Strain Pre&Probiotic
Imsysers’ Microbial Stabilizer is a “12 strain” Pre-& Probiotic Liquid product (500ml). This amazing, unique Probiotic is a fermented product and the unique interaction of the various good bacteria stimulates the release of natural digestive enzymes through this symbiotic interaction.
The Imsyser Probiotic is a natural cure to any IBS problems and related gut discrepancies stemming from within the gut.
All Good Gut Health and Balance = All Good Immune Health and Internal Balance!!
Imsyser Immune Stanilizer Tablets
Imsysers’ Immune System Stabiliser Tablets (120 Tablets) is the ultimate choice for ALL good Immune health and overall cellular health. This product supplies all the essential nutrition that the body needs from a whole food source that is 100% Bio-friendly and 100% Bio-accessible!! Imsysers’ Tabs have proven itself worthy of out doing any natural health supplement competitor. 100% bio-accessible. It allows for a gentle cellular detox, to bring about the unique balance crucial to your own internal health equation. There is no similar product, of this unique nature, available country-wide.
Each of the Imsyser 100 % Natural products can be used individually, as a standalone product, used for its own unique design or may be used in combination as a health & restorative health kit.
Company Success:
Please view our amazing product range designed to support optimized health,
💯 % naturally, through effective gut health.
View our website for on our amazing educational blogs designed to help educate others on the more natural approach to health and healing , as well as inspirational testimonies.
For more information on our unique products simply
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