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Heart Health

Sharing these statistics from Dr Berman on Heart Health: “A recent study conducted at Harvard University and published in The American Journal of Medicine found an association between a lack of fibre and an increased risk for heart disease. The study used data from 23,168 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey collected…


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Sharing these statistics from Dr Berman on Heart Health:

“A recent study conducted at Harvard University and published in The American Journal of Medicine found an association between a lack of fibre and an increased risk for heart disease.

The study used data from 23,168 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey collected over 10 years. The researchers examined the role that dietary fibre plays in heart health.

The team found that the majority of people do not consume the recommended amount of daily fibre. They found that people with low levels of fibre had increased risk for heart disease, inflammation, and obesity. While those who consumed the recommended amount of fibre or more had a lower risk for heart problems.

According to the Institute of Medicine, the recommended amount of fibre according to age and sex are as follows:

  • 38g per day for men aged 19-50 years, 30g for men over 50
  • 25g for women aged 19-50, and 21g per day for women over 50.

According to Cheryl R. Clark, MD, ScD:

‘Overall, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and obesity each decreased with increasing quintiles of dietary fibre intake.’

If you are interested in minimizing your risk for heart disease, inflammation, and obesity, you might want to consider consuming the recommended amount of fibre each day.”

If you just don’t find the time to ensure you daily allowance of fibre, Imsyser has the solution – take a daily early morning teaspoon/tablespoon( depending on how much fibre you already are taking in) of IMSYSER DEEP INTESTINAL CLEANSE and use it for that daily ‘work-out’ . Your gut  gets its clean out without making it lazy, as with the use of laxatives, that end up stripping the gut of all the good bacteria anyway. Visit www.imsyser for more on this amazing product that can be used in fuller amounts daily for a 7 day detox or smaller amounts for daily use. All ages.

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