Sharing Conscious, Healthy Eating Habits
Conscious eating is ‘becoming aware of how the food you eat affects your body, emotions and mind’. Learning what foods and how you eat them affect both your body and mind can therefore support health and prevent disease. Good Nutrition is the essence of effective self-care and the Mother of Prevention.
The Right Diet( Lifestyle) is the main factor in the treatment of the physical body which can either be built up by the right food or destroyed by the wrong. Without changing your diet you cannot expect the body, which is its product, to change fundamentally whatever else you may attempt. By correcting your diet, you eliminate the fundamental causes of disease.
When you attend to digestion, you attend to your health. Physical disease occurs as a result of poor digestion and assimilation in the body. See the amazing Imsyser 100% Health range to optimise Immune Functioning and Energy levels for increased health benefits. Try a few pointers to effectively improve healthy living”:
◾Eat only when hungry and ALWAYS drink when thirsty.
◾Follow the body and not the mind – listen to your body and what it needs.
◾Treat your digestion like a fire – stoke it with easy to assimilate light meals.
◾The main meal is best eaten at lunchtime when the digestive fire is at its strongest.
◾Eating in between meals slows down digestion and must be avoided in intestinal imbalance.
◾Eat the last meal of the day early in the evening. Late eating can cause constipation, indigestion and the accumulation of toxins.
◾Eat to less than full capacity. It is recommended to eat until the stomach is 1/2 full with food, 1/4 full with liquid and to leave 1/4 empty for the digestive process to have some space.
◾Eat simple meals which are less taxing to the digestive system – simplicity in a meal, variety in the week!
◾Avoid drinking water or other fluids with the meal. The liquid reduces the digestive process and makes it sluggish. Taking water or fluids directly after the meal has the same counterproductive effects and promotes lethargy and weight gain.
◾Eat in a peaceful environment in the spirit of harmony and gratitude – not driving, hurrying or standing.
◾Chew the meal thoroughly and joyfully to aid proper assimilation of nutrients and digestion, so that the vital tissues are nourished, the body’s hunger is fed and emotional cravings are satisfied.
◾Eat fresh and seasonal food that is locally and organically grown (as much as possible!).
◾Eat fruit, including juice, away from other foods about one hour before or after a meal as fruit tends to ferment in the digestive tract.
◾Do not eat contra-indicated foods
◾Eat warm and cooked food as these are easier to digest. Cold food, raw food, ice and cold water can weaken the digestive process.
◾Avoid eating raw and cooked food together.
◾Minimise the use of leftovers, tinned, frozen or preserved foods.
◾Avoid excessive fasting or excessive eating.
The Imsyser team would like to help where possible. More available @ 086 010 3859.
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