Gut health = Brain Health
The bacteria in your gut can be one of your strongest allies in getting healthy…or it can be one of your worst enemies. Most people don’t realise it, but what they eat and how they live are changing the makeup of their gut bacteria. Studies have now proven the connection between gut bacteria and practically every other aspect of human health. The conclusion is clear: if you can change your gut, you can change your life.
But how do you know when something’s wrong with your gut bacteria in the first place?
Not All Gut Bacteria Are Created Equal
Gut bacteria, which number more than 100 trillion cells, have more of an impact on our health than medical experts previously realised. But not all gut bacteria are created equal. Among other things, “good” gut bacteria improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and manufacture the vitamins your body needs. On the other hand, “bad” gut bacteria can cause digestion nightmares, mental problems, skin conditions, and all kinds of other problems you’ll learn about in just a second.
A healthy gut isn’t made by trying to rid your body of gut bacteria altogether. It’s made by balancing the bacteria—limiting the bad guys and encouraging the good guys to grow. So let’s start at the beginning: how to figure out if your gut bacteria is unbalanced.
The Mental Relationship
Did you know the health of your gut could affect the health of your brain? Scientists have already discovered that gut bacteria produce certain neurotransmitters and people with certain mental disorders also tend to have disturbances to their gut bacteria:
Depression and anxiety
Brain fog
If any of the warning signs above look familiar to you, why not improve the health of your gut, and you will see massive changes in your mental health.
So how do we optimise the Good Bacteria?
Imsyser Microbial Stabiliser to the rescue!!
Imsyser’s Pre&Probiotics was designed to ensure good maintenance of the Gut health daily and thereby also assisting optimal Immune health is ensured. This is a uniquely designed 12 STRAIN liquid probiotic (500 ml; once opened lasts 1 – 2 months) with a symbiotic relationship of the prebiotics and digestive enzymes needed to assist & mimic natural gut behaviour. Can be taken as is or in a little juice. Works from the mouth all the way through to the lowest end of gut, where most probiotics in tablet form do not even work. These common probiotics as found in pharmacies cannot be dried-freezed to go into a tablet or capsule form. Therefore Imsyser is a truly amazing product, unique in its design, and instantly effective solution to 100 % probiotic support for gut (and Immune) health.
Change Your Gut, Change Your Life!!!
More science is emerging every day connecting issues with the gut to issues throughout the body and mind. With knowledge and smart action, you can quite literally heal yourself from the inside out. The recipe for a healthy gut is simple. Avoid toxic foods and substances, add in some fermented foods and probiotics, and make managing your stress a priority. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. Changing your gut just might be the first step to changing your life.
For more on this amazing product call 086 010 3859, visit our website: or simply click here.
These products are available country wide for all ages and Nappi-coded.
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