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Flu Influence: Protection for Diabetes sufferers

A healthier approach – Diabetes Patients with Diabetes are more prone to infections than those not Immune-compromised.  The reason is obvious – they are Immune compromised. However by now we have all realised it is all about Immunity. Albeit nothing else during this time of a very ugly pandemic. A healthier approach to the management…


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A healthier approach – Diabetes

Patients with Diabetes are more prone to infections than those not Immune-compromised.  The reason is obvious – they are Immune compromised. However by now we have all realised it is all about Immunity. Albeit nothing else during this time of a very ugly pandemic.

A healthier approach to the management of the disease going forward remains crucial for all and especially those battling with Diabetes and then, more importantly, the ability to control toxic load with the relevant medication being used by the Diabetic to do so. We have now also seen that many covid-19 sufferers are all battling with typical metabolic issues leading to thickened blood and related respiratory issues which obviously will aggravate any condition any Diabetes patient might be battling with.

Neutralize toxic

Your most natural approach should therefore be aiming to neutralize toxic load whilst managing the disease with natural wholefood products assisting in breaking down fats and improving circulation as with the Imsyser range:


I believe the bottom line is to ensure your very best cleansing is done regularly and this is one of the biggest triggers in Diabetes:


Detoxing doesn’t have to be harsh on your body. With the various Imsyser detoxes we ensure your most comfortable journey to a healthier you….

and most importantly (in fact crucially so!!!) to manage your daily microbiome. Some microorganisms become more virulent in a high glucose environment. Another mechanism which can lead to the increased prevalence of infections in diabetic patients is an increased adherence of microorganisms to diabetic compared to nondiabetic cells. This has been described for Candida. Candida management is core for Diabetics and with the introduction of the Imsyser probiotic 12 years ago we can proudly say it is the one effective treatment for Candida that is not only successful but natural and serves the rest of your health and Immunity 100% effectively:


Diabetes is big, we know. We all battle with levels of Immune compromising but dealing with these issues does not have to be hard when you have the Imsyser range made right here in SA with pure natural indigenous plants, and they are readily available countrywide. Simply call 086 010 3859 or click here:   

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