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Nasal Spray: Your First Line of Defense this Winter

First line of defense Nasal Spray should be your first line of Immune defense. As your nasal passages is the first immune defense line and then of course your throat. The point of entry as you breathe in. At Imsyser our primary focus and concern now during this awful Pandemic is Immunity. In fact, whether…


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Nasal spray

First line of defense

Nasal Spray should be your first line of Immune defense. As your nasal passages is the first immune defense line and then of course your throat. The point of entry as you breathe in.

At Imsyser our primary focus and concern now during this awful Pandemic is Immunity. In fact, whether it comes from a gut perspective or simply optimizing the Immunity through effective wholefood nutrition. The focus remains the same.

During winter, however, we might have added or slightly different strengths and demands with our other products. Like the chest and nasal sprays over and above the Immunity issues. During this crisis it has been more apparent than ever we need to emphasize the protection of the airways. The air we breathe in via the nasal passages or the mouth; and how to protect ourselves even if we wear masks.

The Imsyser Nasal Spray

With the WondersilV Natural Nasal Spray not only are common issues like sinusitis and hay fevers dealt with. Including runny noses but it remains an effective natural treatment for most upper respiratory infections: viral, bacterial and fungal infections. We don’t know what we are breathing in at any point in time. Not only are these airways kept open and functional. But also protect the fine lining in the nasal passages ensuring all potential infection is minimised.

The nasal spray is safe for all ages and it is a non-addictive. We all know the value add of colloidal silver as a healer. So to the value add of magnesium – the core ingredients used in this amazing spray. Silver is the modern-day version for a natural anti-biotic. It is one of the key ingredients in this amazing nasal spray. For those battling with clogged nasal passages to those who have had no easy breathing since procedures were done on same nasal passages. We have seen amazing results. And for those simply battling with Hay-fever, sinus issues or simply need to ward off the classic flu symptoms – this amazing product will serve you and your family well.

A solution of silver ions is used to manufacture this product to increases the rate at which your body destroys disease-causing bacteria, pathogens, viruses, fungi as breathed in and excreted through the immune & lymph system. Your very best natural Pandemic fighter!! 

Dead Sea Salt contains 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, sulphur, bromide, iodine, sodium, zinc and potassium. These essential minerals are known to treat, detoxify, and cleanse our bodies; more especially your nasal passages:

Protecting Your Throat Your 2nd line of defense!

Imsyser’s 12 liquid Probiotic is not only effective for gargling followed by swallowing to re-introduce your very best microbiome balance of the throat but has stood the test of time as a worthy competitor in the probiotic market country-wide.

Not only is their very few LIQUID probiotics in the market place world-wide but any this unique supplying all the essential prebiotics to keep this healthy liquid ‘live’ probiotic doing good supplying all your healthy good bacteria as needed to support your healthy microbiome. The emphasis on ‘live’ should not be missed as being the most important of issue since in all of this healthy liquid solution you have the natural release of natural enzymes as well for improved gut (=Immunity) functions; and the main focus which is the ability to ensure natural good bacteria (your microbiome) are optimised from the first point of entry,  the oral cavity, and then of course all the way down into the throat, and finally by-passing the stomach into the gut where most other probiotics in tablet or capsule form really only kick in at a much later stage.

Not only is this the only ‘live’ probiotic but also one that also contains soil organisms which are crucial for ensuring the very best protection Mother Nature has to offer. Totally unique. Totally effective in a very changed way South Africa has not known with any other product and I have yet to see else where in the world with all our travels. More importantly – it works!!

In Conclusion

Not to forget your winter support with the amazing chest spray also made from natural herbs. Magnesium and colloidal silver ensuring those tight chests and open airways are best supported for the whole family:

Simply call Imsyser Health 086 010 3859 1st line of defense this winter and or this Pandemic or click here:

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