We do care…
You deserve treatments be it Cancer or other diseases that doesn’t make you sicker. And the best place is always to start with what you were given; a healthy Immune System.
Strengthen Your Immune System
If your Immune System is weak, it can play a major role in cancer activation. Poor nutrition, physical inactivity, exposure to chemicals, and nutrient‐destroying cooking methods are things to avoid. Combine those with degenerated liver and pancreatic functions and your Immune system can fall apart. The normal response of recognizing and eliminating cancer cells either slows or stops altogether.
A strong Immune System not only helps protect you against contracting a disease in the first place… It’s also necessary to attack new viruses, fight bacteria, and delete mutated cells. You need to build the Immune System in all regards.
I always like to start with a daily probiotic which is crucial for all gut and Immune health as well optimising the potential of good supplements to help kick start the Immune System for its very best health defence, optimising and helping detox all in one as with the Imsyser Immune Support Tabs:
https://shop.imsyser.co.za/collections/all-products/products/imsyser-internal-microbial-stabilizer-liquid-probiotic (probiotic support)
(Immune support Tabs)
Adopt a Healthy, Organic Eating Plan
You know the effect that a poor diet can have on your overall health. It includes creating a chronic state of inflammation and deficiency which downgrades your body’s ability to fend off threats—like cancer.
For at least one week, write down everything you eat and drink. Follow your normal eating habits and patterns. But write everything down. That way, you’ll discover exactly what your weak points are.
At the end of the week, you’ll have a clear understanding of exactly what you put into your system. Then ask yourself the following questions:
• What types of meat are you eating?
• How many fruits and vegetables are you consuming each day? What form do the fruits and vegetables you consume come in? Are they apple slices in a pie or a whole apple? Do you eat a plate of salad, or a piece of lettuce on a fast‐food burger?
• Do your meals veer heavily toward the processed? Or are they mostly homemade with basic, natural ingredients?
• How do you cook your foods? Do you opt for grilling, boiling, broiling, baking, or frying? Or a combination between cooked and raw?
You may not realize how nutrient deficient your diet really is. The choice you’re making could be promoting cancer in your body.
Let’s say your protein consists of hot dogs, hamburgers, and pot roast. It’s important that you choose the healthiest options of these. For example, hot dogs (along with deli meats and sausages) contain sodium nitrite. It’s a carcinogenic preservative that’s been linked to gastric cancer.
What about the pot roast and hamburgers? They aren’t good if they come from a traditional factory‐farm diet. It means you’re ingesting meat from animals raised on hormones. Their feed is high in omega‐6 fatty acids—known to boost inflammation. That will lead to oxidation in the body. These reactions boost your chances of developing cancer.
It’s really as simple as trading up… If you want to eat meat, trade out the bad meat for the good.
Next time you go to the grocery store, look for meat from animals raised on organic, grass‐fed diets. Ignore the factory‐ farmed meat overburdened with omega‐6. A grass‐fed diet boosts the animal’s amount omega‐3 fatty acids. It has the opposite effect of consuming excess omega‐6s… it reduces inflammation. Beef from grass‐fed cows has a safer ratio of omega‐3 to omega‐6 fatty acids, which makes it far less dangerous to consume. And with this kind of beef, you can enjoy fattier, tastier cuts of meat without having to worry about what you’re really eating.
Another way to boost your intake of beneficial omega‐3 fatty acids is to add flaxseed oil to your diet. You can use it as a base for salad dressing. You can mix ground flaxseed easily into baked goods, smoothies, cereal, or yogurt. It’s an excellent source of alpha‐linolenic acid (ALA). ALA contains lignans that have an antioxidative effect. In order to receive full benefit, grind the seeds before ingesting. Otherwise they will likely pass whole through your system.
A switch in eating habits can seem overwhelming at first. But you don’t have to change everything overnight. To begin making lasting changes, implement them gradually. Look at your grocery list and think about how you can improve.
You should always choose organic fruits and vegetables. This reduces the amount of toxic load building in your body. It helps avoid the heavy doses of pesticides used in conventional farming practices.
One study found a link between a diet and survival in women diagnosed with early‐stage breast cancer. A diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low‐fat dairy showed an overall improved prognosis.vi We don’t recommend that you put an emphasis on grains or dairy. They cause inflammation.
Increasing fruit and vegetable intake could potentially prevent more than 20 percent of cancer cases. That would stop about 200,000 cancer‐related deaths each year. You should avoid processed foods with additives and preservatives. Extra “refinement” in food actually strips away its nutrients. It’s tossing nutritional gold right into the garbage.
One of the most important things to do is to eliminate sugar. Cancer cells sop up glucose. It’s what allows them to grow. In the war against cancer, a diet heavy in sugar is the equivalent of feeding the enemy. This is also why a ketogenic diet, which replaces carbohydrates with ketones from fats for energy, restricts grains. Like sugar, they give cancer cells the glucose they need to wreak havoc in your body.
Another thing to consider is how you’re preparing foods. Preparing foods at high temperatures— charring, frying, and broiling—has been linked to cancer. When a food is cooked fast, it produces by-products. These by-products are advanced glycation end‐products (AGEs ). Eating AGEs promote inflammation in the body. And they can build up over time.
Instead, try baking or gently sautéing foods at 350 degrees or below. This keeps foods from losing their nutrition and producing by-products.
Some cancer patients have reported evidence of success in switching over to a raw food diet. This means no cooking… and retention of all nutrients. Advocates point to many institutions’ advice for both cancer patients and those who want to reduce their risk of cancer to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. It makes sense. The total nutrient content of the food is preserved. It’s available to your body in its entirety. And raw foods don’t contain any processed fats, sugars, preservatives, or additives. But for some foods, like leafy green vegetables, gentle cooking releases even more of nutrients that your body craves. It also helps prevent the build-up of harmful compounds, like oxalic acid, in your body over time.
Turmeric is an important spice to include, whether cooked or raw. Its active ingredient is curcumin. It has potent anti‐ inflammatory and anti‐carcinogenic properties. It’s prominently featured in Indian curry dishes.
Your very best disease support is one which strengthens the Immune System with whole foods with an emphasis on organic fruits and vegetables. One major component of the regimen involves juicing raw fruits and vegetables. It calls for one glass every hour for 13 hours. This stimulates oxygenation of the blood and metabolism. The goal is to “flood” the body with nutrients.
But the patient doesn’t live on juice alone. You also eat three freshly‐made vegetarian meals a day. They typically include a salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, a vegetable soup, and juice. For snacking, the therapy calls for fresh fruit anytime during the day. Excess protein, sodium, and animal fats are avoided.
Degenerative diseases, like cancer, have their basis in toxic foods and water. This interferes with oxygenation in the blood. A lack of oxygen also contributes to degenerative diseases. Raw foods and juices retain their enzymes, which promotes oxygenation.
Two‐step juicers preserve the highest level of nutrient content. The basic plan is generally comprised of:
• Organic fruits and vegetables, locally grown
• Soups, created with vegetables, seaweed, and miso
This diet also includes a moderate intake of nuts, seeds, and fresh fish. It should include purified water. Avoid dairy, coffee, and sugars.
One compound specifically kills cancer cells. It’s called laetrile. You can find it in raw nuts like bitter almonds. It’s also in fruit pits like apricot kernels. Studies show that laetrile can. Another name for it is B17.
• Reduce tumour‐related pain in 65 percent of cancer patients
• More than double survival time in patients with inoperable lung cancer
• Team up with vitamin A to destroy 89 percent of cancer tumours
Laetrile has a history that dates back to use in China. It’s now used extensively in Mexico. And like most alternative cancer treatments that can save your life, it hasn’t received approval by the FDA for cancer treatment use in the U.S. It’s available as an injection or in pill form.
It has been used in other countries for the treatment of cancer and to prevent metastases from occurring. Laetrile is controversial because it contains cyanide. But its proponents found that it only attacks cancer cells. Here’s how to obtain B17 in your diet:
Seeds and nuts: apple, walnuts, macadamia nuts, bitter almonds, pecans, flaxseed, cashews, and kernels from apricots, cherries, peaches, plums
- Berries: gooseberries, huckleberries, currants, blackberries, boysenberries, cranberries, strawberries
- Greens: spinach, watercress
- Sprouts: mung bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, lentil sprouts, chick pea sprouts
- Beans: lima beans, mung beans, lentils
- Grains: millet, barley, buckwheat
Get Plenty of Sunshine
Many are weary of the sun. They fear skin cancer as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But a major component of sunlight has been overlooked.
It helps manufacture vitamin D in the skin. And vitamin D deficiency is something that many people have. Vitamin D is needed to help regulate and maintain a healthy immune response. It contributes to the normal growth and maturation of cells. This is why vitamin D is an essential ally in the battle against cancer. Low levels increase the risk of developing breast, colon, and prostate cancers. There’s evidence that vitamin D can stop the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.
Taking 2–4 times the daily recommended dose of 200 IU to 600 IU of vitamin D3 (along with calcium) reduced the expected rate of cancer incidence by 55‐77 percent in post‐menopausal women over a four‐year period. But even this is a small dose of vitamin D. Most healthy adults can handle at least 5,000 IU per day without any problem.
You can get your serum vitamin D levels checked easily. One study found that keeping your serum levels of this essential vitamin just above 20 ng/mL could cut cancer risk by 30–50 percent. Other research supports keeping serum levels between 55–60 ng/mL.
We have been told our whole lives to not expose our skin to the sun. But that advice is being tweaked in favour of getting more vitamin D. Go outdoors with 40 percent of skin exposure—just face and forearms. And get 15–20 minutes of direct sun. Sleep. Rest. Forgive ….and Life will favour you. Be Blessed. For more info call Imsyser 086 010 3859

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