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Blood Brain Barrier Health

  Blood Brain Barrier Health. Managing Pathogens across Your Blood Brain Barrier What are pathogens? Blood Brain Barrier Health assists with pathogens. A pathogen is an organism that causes disease. Your body is full of microbes, both the good ones and not so good ones. Microbes including pathogens can become a problem to our bodies…


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Blood Brain Barrier (1)

  Blood Brain Barrier Health. Managing Pathogens across Your Blood Brain Barrier

What are pathogens?

Blood Brain Barrier Health assists with pathogens. A pathogen is an organism that causes disease. Your body is full of microbes, both the good ones and not so good ones. Microbes including pathogens can become a problem to our bodies when our immune system is weakend. To add to that if your defense system is weak it can not protect other areas like the brain. Pathogens need a host to survive  and thrive. They bypass the body’s immune responses, replicating and spreading within the host. Pathogens can also move between hosts as with the classic Pandemic we experienced recently.

What is the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)?

BBB separates the circulating blood from certain organs in the body. It is a highly selective border. We can see it in the brain and extracellular fluid in the central nervous system. Furthermore BBB has several important functions of which one is to protect the brain from foreign substances in the blood. These foreign substances tend to be harmful and could cause injury to the brain. To add to their function BBB are continuously protecting our brain from hormones and neurotransmitters (endogenous chemicals). Furthermore, preventing these hormones and neurotransmitters from causing inflammation and disease.

Our Endothelial Cells are found in the capillaries that form the blood brain barrier. Endothelial cells are extremely close to each other. They form the so-called tight junctions. The tight junctions have tight gaps that allow only small molecules to pass freely through the capillary wall and into the brain tissues. Some examples of these small molecules include fat-soluble molecules, and some gases.

Blood Brain Barrier access disturbing Brain and Body Health

There are so many reasons why the BBB may become damaged. When this happens bacteria and other toxins can start leaking into the brain. Respectfully this can cause the brain tissue to become infected. This can in turn lead to inflammation and sometimes death. Researchers discovered that mycotoxins can clearly reduce the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. Mycotoxins can be found everywhere including in what we may consider healthy food sources.


Can cross the BBB, normally good enough in smaller doses for healthy fuelling of the brain. Glucose transport highly enriched into the brain cells. It is important to remember that blood delivers fuel and nourishment to the brain. This is possible through a complex of blood vessels that reaches every neighborhood of the brain. However, with modern day sugar addictions and or hidden overdoses within supposedly even healthy sources of food – problem!!! Inflammation is triggered. Reduce blood sugar levels at all levels:



Alcohol is also able to penetrate the brain and alcohol kills brain cells. All modern-day triggers with chronic addictive patterns rendering our healthy constantly compromised.


A myco-toxins, also triggers inflammation, promoting oxidative damage in the brain. It further disrupts the BBB by disrupting brain function, “leaky brain”. Recent research has found a link between the blood-brain barrier and systemic inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurogenerative disorders.

Parasites and other pathogens

Parasites and other pathogens release their own off waste, micro-waste. This too might be seen as myco-toxins also small enough to pass BBB doing further damage too your brain health. Parasites is one of the commonly missed areas of exposure that most people choose not to be aware of. Even when research has closely linked many cancers and modern-day toxicity from this source with brain health discrepancies.  

EMF exposure

Ffrom Computers, cell phones, and Wi-Fi have made life easier but increased our potential risks with harm to the BBB. Reduce heavy metal and all toxicity:



Playing a serious role in neurotoxic and can cause many neurological diseases, including Dementia, Autism and Parkinson’s disease. High levels of aluminium in the brain can also cause Alzheimer disease.

When your nose catches cigarette smoke or vapour  aluminium vapours are been ingested. Aluminium particles are sent direct into the lungs and passes into the bloodstream. They are distributed through the body, including the bones and the brain. There is also a link between aluminium and disease such as breast cancer and neurological disorders.




The underlying cause of many mental and physical ailments. It elevates cortisol levels which can lead to cognitive decline, thyroid and metabolic dysfunction and Immune suppression. Research shows that acute stress increases permeability of the blood-brain barrier as well. Supplementation or taking Epsom salt baths is still necessary for most people. It is because magnesium is rapidly used up during times of stress and certain psychiatric drugs can deplete magnesium:


Poor Gut Health

Directly impacts on your brain function. It’s becoming increasing clear that our gut bacteria directly affect the health of our BBB. Eating more prebiotic fibre and resistant starch, can increase the total amount of healthy diverse good bacteria in your gut. Furthermore taking a high-quality probiotic, and eating fermented foods on a regular basis can help.



Lack of Magnesium

A vital mineral that participates in more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. This includes neurotransmitter, enzyme, and hormonal activity. All of which can have a huge effect on your mood and brain function. Magnesium increase your brain’s growth hormone, and help you overcome addiction and withdrawals as well support your BBB. Multiple studies found that Magnesium protects the blood-brain barrier, prevents its disruption, and significantly reduces hyperpermeability. It has been observedMagnesium’s protective effect against BBB hyperpermeability has also been seen after traumatic brain injury:


Lack of Super Nutrition affects your Blood Brain Barrier. Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a proven antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress caused by destructive free radicals. It also reduces inflammation. And since it can cross the BBB, it can easily do its magic protecting the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids taken daily are crucial for good Brain health making sure all your essential nutrition is from wholefood source and not just chemical compositions that either sound good or various compositions just scrambled together   :


Vitamin C and Blood Brain Barrier

Crosses the BBB, crucial for times such as now.

Many organic herbs can also cross the BBB, like garlic, turmeric and some other organic herbs that must be carried across by proteins; all super charging your Immunity in the process.

So too, the Imsyser Vulcan Silver with Nano-technology silver particles can cross the BBB inducing super-charged healing.  Bacterial, fungal and viral infections deteriorate the BBB allowing bacteria into the brain where they do not belong:


All systemic inflammation can damage the BBB. Along with avoiding inflammatory foods, adding antioxidant-rich foods to your diet can help reduce inflammation. Some of the best antioxidant foods are blueberries, salmon, dark chocolate, and leafy greens. Antioxidant-rich foods are not only beneficial for the BBB, but also the health of your gut. Curcumin, helps to reduce intestinal inflammation and can help heal a leaky gut.

Controlling inflammation is key in maintaining a healthy BBB. After all of this we should avoid the following inflammatory foods in our diet as much as possible:

  • Fried foods
  • Sugar
  • Refined flour
  • Processed foods
  • Trans fats
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy

Finally, where Gut health has been on the forefront of health the greater lurking truth also encompasses brain health going forward. They are inter-connected thanks too the Vagus nerve and all the micro-organisms moving and messaging back and forth. Imsyser specializes in gut and Immune health. We know that by tackling these aspects, we manage brain health and all toxic issues affecting all health. Simply call 086 010 3859 or click here

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