Bio-Availability of your supplement is core
Bio-Availability of your supplement is core. Not just for your optimal health with optimal results but also for the sake of your pocket. If you are using a product and your urine colour changes, there is food for consideration. 100% bio-available food sources as a rule don’t do these colour changes unless you are totally under-hydrated. Choose the test for yourself. Proof lies in your own personal results.
Bio-Availability of your supplement is core and so important in the bigger scheme of things and hardly mentioned ever. If it’s not 100 % natural and plant based, the chances are; you cannot even mention it. It is that simple. Mother Nature knows her own and responds best to it. All-Natural products have a natural rhythm, the same as Mother nature. This where 100% absorption come into play.
Bio-Availability In technical terms
The cycle of electrons in the atom at the most miniscule of scales that mimics Nature unlike chemical alternatives/man-made chemical orchestrated product, which have a completely different ‘nature’ to plants (atoms actually run the opposite way to Mother nature); and that is why only up to 20 % of the chemical alternatives actually find their way to the cell. The rest is actually and hopefully urinated out of you, at a huge cost to client. And of course that is taking for granted the kidneys are actually working properly.
I know with this type of bio-availability, natural products are a little longer in the uptake to do the necessary biochemical changes but it is however worth it waiting for this natural process to happen. And once in the system, these natural ingredients may do all these wonder NATURAL healthy changes in as many as 2 – 4 weeks. Sometimes in as little as 2 -3 days even.

SUPER-ANTIOXIDANTS are at the root of it all for optimal Immune stabilising and balancing especially when a gentle daily cellular detox is managed by your supplement as is the case with the Imsyser Immune Support Tablets:
Food for Thought; but in reality YOU ARE WORTH IT. Work on 100 % natural health and you will reap the benefit.
So for heathy living choose Imsyser products. We work with other wonderful nutritionists with equally amazing products. Just call 086 010 3859 for more information or simply click here:
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