Cancer Yes/No
HIV / TB Yes/No
Chronic Fatigue & Stress Yes/No
Allergies; Sinus & Tonsils Yes/No
Colds; Flu & Lung Infections Yes/No
Migraines & Memory Problems Yes/No
Arthritis & Gout Yes/No
Skin Rashes & Wound Healing Yes/No
Menopause Yes/No
High Blood Pressure & Blood Circulatory Problems Yes/No
Sleeplessness Yes/No
Diabetes Yes/No
Weight Problems Yes /No
Libido Problems Yes/No
If you treat only the symptoms, diseases will ALWAYS remain present!!
If you treat the CAUSE diseases will fade away ……….
Due to our ‘destroyed’ environment, poor diet, stress, junk food & bad habits our lifestyle has deteriorated and we suffer diseases. Our intestinal tract becomes infected and a thick mucus layer develops along the intestinal tract. This preventing good nutrition from being absorbed into the body through the intestinal wall. Prevents excretion of the toxic waste products out of the body through the intestinal wall.
Our bodies become acidic (pH below 7.3) and diseases sets in. The body ‘steals’ its minerals from the bones, joints, muscles & skin which then ageing results (metabolic bone disease). Where there is an imbalance in the mineral levels, the bacterial balance is disturbed and diseases results.
How do we treat these diseases?
Imsyser deep Intestinal cleanse – it cleanse the whole intestine gently without disturbing the good bacteria (runny stomachs strip the intestines of good bacteria leaving you weak and your immune system strained).
Result is as follows:
- Replace the good bacteria naturally
- Boost the immune system with all the essential Minerals, Amino Acids, Vitamins & Omega 3, 6 & 9. (Imsyser Immune system stabilizer
Life & Health optimally God’s way
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