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Winter Blues Often Continue Into Spring Day Elation But ….

Winter blues often continue into Spring day elation but…. Fatigue, brain fog, moodiness, trouble sleeping…continues!!! They’re not just because you’re getting older. They’re not because you aren’t taking care of yourself. And it’s not just in your head. It’s a condition that’s loosely responsible for as many as 90% of doctor visits. But your doctor…


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Winter blues often continue into Spring day elation but….

Fatigue, brain fog, moodiness, trouble sleeping…continues!!!

They’re not just because you’re getting older. They’re not because you aren’t taking care of yourself. And it’s not just in your head.

It’s a condition that’s loosely responsible for as many as 90% of doctor visits. But your doctor will never test for it. That’s why millions of frustrated people suffer needlessly.

Get to the CAUSE of the problem!

Toxic overload!

Imsyser to the rescue. Our unique brand of products was designed to do just this. Release old to pave the way for NEW Energy releases. NEW gut functioning. NEW body balancing NATURALLY through balanced gut behaviour and optimised Immunity.

Step 1: Deep Intestinal Cleanse to rid the body of waste and toxins. This is the preparation step. Do it regularly to ensure YOU are NOT the toxic dumping place  in your own intestines!!! A 7 day detox programme with no gut changes other good excretion. May also be taken daily as a fibre bulking agent with no harmful changes in gut behaviour. Seeing is believing ( see attached pic) what is removed over time. If this is lining your gut nothing penetrates ( good nutrition) nor waste out!!

Step 2: Pre&Probiotics to ensure good maintenance of the Gut health daily and thereby also assisting optimal Immune health is ensured. This is a uniquely designed 12 STRAIN liquid probiotic ( 500 ml; once opened lasts 1 – 2 months) with a symbiotic relationship of the prebiotics and digestive enzymes needed to assist & mimic natural gut behaviour. Can be taken as is or in a little juice. Works from the mouth all the way through to the lowest end of gut, where most probiotics in tablet form do not even work. These common probiotics as found in pharmacies cannot be dried-freezed to go into a tablet or capsule form. Therefore Imsyser is a truly amazing product, unique in its design, and instantly effective solution to 100 % probiotic support for gut ( and Immune) health.

Step 3: Support Immune functioning with an Auto-immune product that not only supplies all the necessary essentials to optimise Immune Health but also doing a gentle cellular detox to also rid the body of unnecessary waste and thereby ensuring GOOD HEALTH, NATURALLY. All our products 100% Natural good for the whole family all ages. 23 Essential Amino Acids, 11 Essential Vitamins and 11 Minerals as well as a supply of Omega 3,6 & 9 all in whole plant form for TOTAL absorption. Huge natural energy releases are one of the major benefits of this product.


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