To all our clients just sharing yet another truly amazing testimony!!
Often this specific type of response/testimony we here at Imsyser Health would classically get from our Immune Support Tablet range but we are only too eager to share this NEW testimony. This is a shade different from the usual testimonies received for the Imsyser Probiotic but so much more powerful. Classically the probiotic testimonies usually specifically tend to lean towards all gut issues, IBS, bloating and general healthy and energy improvements directly relating from improved nutritional uptake.
But in this case this testimony blew me away.
In fact, I could not contain the tears. It is one of our ‘existing’, yet unknown clients. I happened to call this particular lady last year with regards to our manufacturing requirements. As mentioned I didn’t know her from a bar of soap and literally as we were discussing my needs she asked me to repeat the name of the product range, Imsyser, in question…. upon which she went very quiet.
To say the least I couldn’t contain myself when se added her testimony. She had contracted a very unique bacterial infection that the doctors tried to sort out for a whole year. She was bed-ridden and no-one could help her, with the best of the best specialists eventually sending her home to die!
They could do no more for her.
She discovered the Imsyser 12 Strain Liquid Probiotic by chance. And I guess the end result speaks for itself to the extent that she commented on how she had been asking God for precisely a year for what purpose he had kept her alive to tell the story!!
Well , another year later the testimony speaks for itself and she is on top of the world. Of course, no one could believe the miraculous turn-around in her health, to the extent as mentioned, even she remains totally bowled over by this amazing product. I might guess in it’s simplicity it tended to the gut but more importantly it tended to the Immunity and she is a living proof of miraculous turn-around today.
For more on this truly amazing, even for me out of the box amazing, call Imsyser Health 086 010 3859 or simply pop into any pharmacy country-wide. Also available online:
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